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    • Sagebrush
      Sagebrush replied to the thread Journey into quail.
      Thank you TamiPac.
    • Sagebrush
      Sagebrush replied to the thread Journey into quail.
      Last egg didn't make it. Started to smell something off and found it in the incubator (located in my bedroom). Chick was fully formed...
    • Sagebrush
      Sagebrush replied to the thread Journey into quail.
      I have 4 little babies in the brooder this morning. The first one hatched early yesterday morning. and the last one had hatched about...
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    • Sagebrush
      Sagebrush replied to the thread Nesting.
      At a week from the day she is due to kindle, it is normal for does to start nesting. I have a few that will frantically make a nest a...
    • Sagebrush
      Sagebrush replied to the thread Nesting.
      At a week out it would be normal.
    • Sagebrush
      Sagebrush replied to the thread New member.
      Welcome to the forums! I have rabbits and now quail, though I do not spin.
    • Sagebrush
      Sagebrush replied to the thread Journey into quail.
      I do have white wings in the incubator. The ones pictured where of mixed breeding of what I am not sure, but nearly all have white wing...
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    • Sagebrush
      Sagebrush replied to the thread Journey into quail.
      Okay so still has more mature feathering then the ones I have. I have separated the ones with less speckles verses the ones that look...
    • Sagebrush
      Sagebrush replied to the thread Rabbitary Wipe Out.
      So very glad to hear that he is doing well.
    • Sagebrush
      Sagebrush reacted to NZ:Julia's post in the thread Rabbitary Wipe Out with Love Love.
      Just to let you know that Jeremy is doing okay. Thought I would share a snap.
    • Sagebrush
      Sagebrush replied to the thread Journey into quail.
      @dlynn how old is the one you have pictured?
    • Sagebrush
      Sagebrush replied to the thread Journey into quail.
      Well in the first ever batch that I am working on hatching I candled at lock down and I have 5 viable eggs and 4 that never developed...
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    • Sagebrush
      Sounds like a really good plan that is working well for you. Cleaning it out before the meds go in is a great practice if she tolerates...
    • Sagebrush
      From what I can see from your pictures, it doesn't look like a cataract has formed in her eye. The eye wasn't marbled but it looks as if...
    • Sagebrush
      Sagebrush replied to the thread New Flemish giant owner..
      Well it depends actually. Does he stay out in a hutch or is he more free roam? The temps themselves can be a little bit of an issue if...
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