Male or female...this is how you tell them apart!

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Mar 5, 2011
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Bought some rabbits today, pretty sure the lady doesn't know how to sex them quite yet. She called a tubed rabbit a girl, while I mark those as males. Got home and both "females" have the tube shape, males in my eyes. The gray should be a boy.
I'm gonna check them again and post pics and have you guys tell me your thoughts.
Lady is coming to shave my sheep Tues/Wedns and said she will bring others to swap if it's the wrong sex.
I'm still not very good at sexing rabbits but always look for the tube with boys and a slit with girls (could have it the wrong way around but i think thats right :p)

It is quite frustrating especially with young rabbits as I'm always second guessing myself, although not been wrong yet (as far as I know)
Yea, triangles or slits are girls, tubes boys, that's what I go with. I haven't been wrong yet with my 5wk I need



Those are bucks. Last pic is a doe.

Another thing to look for is the distance between the opening of the sex organ and the anus. Notice how the doe's slit almost touches it, whereas you have all that flesh between with the bucks.

Nice looking rabbits! Now if you can just get the right sex, you'll be set! :D
Thanks! Never paid attention to the space, guess I should for additional proof of gender.

I'm wanting to keep the blue, was going to keep the gray, but he's not very nice and the blue is far prettier. =D

Sent the pics/link to her, hoping it also helps her figure out which are which in the future.<br /><br />__________ Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:14 pm __________<br /><br />Maybe this thread can be a sticky one day...
Gonna sex some kits when they arrive, if the pics come out well, I'll post them here for more future reference. =D Yea?
*insert smug grin here*
Thanks MaggieJ!
I guess blurry pics is one of my pet
Good posts, great pics for people to learn what to look for. Thanks for contributing them. :)

A well deserved sticky thread.
I've got a lone 3wk Cali kit I believe is a buck. I'll try to get a nice pic of him to confirm and share.<br /><br />__________ Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:01 am __________<br /><br />Crap, it's raining hard today. Guess I'm waiting until tomorrow..
Those picts are very nice.

I have had great success with judging kits from nearly birth, especially using the distance method. If I pull it and it's close to the anus, it's a girl.

Then there are usually one or two that I find very hard to judge, and they stay very hard up until 12-14 weeks.
Today I tried sexing my two rabbits - just to see for myself after reading how to do it.

When I bought my two rabbits I was told one is male and one is female. Now, after seeing for myself how to sex rabbits - I think both of my rabbits look like females. But, I dunno for sure. Can someone tell me if one is male and the other female - because they both look female to me. LOL Thanks.

This one is supposed to be female.

This one is supposed to be male. But they both look the same I think.
They both sure look like females to me! How old are they? The males testicles should be visible I'd say by now...if he's really a male...<br /><br />__________ Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:51 am __________<br /><br />But, now that I look again and closer, there is a bit of a space between the opening and anus on the bottom pic. Maybe it is male...just very young?
those two look like does.

Another female aspect to be aware of is that they have two red lines on either side of their slit.

When in doubt, look for those. if they aren't present you have a buck. or vice versa, if they ARE present you have a doe.

Some rabbits are just slow maturing....
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":3vw2lxpz said:
IF you pull a bit to hard on there tail . It will turn male to a female . I have sex allot of rabbits. From 2 weeks old and up. I have never made a mistake yet. I dont find it hard to sex them at all. But that is just me. :)

Yeah, that is what I am thinking too...that bottom one is a male but the tail is being pulled down and not allowing it to "pop out". The space between the anus and the parts in question make me think it is a male...
It's always hard to be sure from a photo, but I would say the second one is male. Those darker patches on each side look to me like immature testicles. Applying slight pressure on each side should make the penis protrude. If the hole is round rather than a slit like the doe in the first picture, that would be another indication that the second one is male.

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