i'm on youtube :)

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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so i was thinking about it for a while and finally got to it. i made a youtube channel.
posted it in this section because the only videos i have up so far are on the goats. i will have many other topics and animals on soon enough though. about to work on videos of how i make goat cheese, making twine&yarn baskets, and a video of my soon to be rabbit colony.
here is the link (it should be anyhow. lol)
http://www.youtube.com/user/girlwalkswi ... ature=mhee

i welcome comments. here and on youtube. and if anyone has any suggestions of things they would like to see videos of i am trying to make a list. i want to do "how to" type things. especially making things from scratch, cooking, farming, etc. but any and all suggestions and comments are welcome. :) thanks!
Lovely goats! I wouldn't mind haveing some milk goats in the future, I have been looking at the LaMancha breed.
But what are "Pack goats"? I would love to know more about them.
That is so neat that you walk with your goats! I loved watching that, cute! Would love to see them walking the woods too. :)

I've been thinking about doing a youtube for my photography fine art prints..........how hard is it to make a video?
yep i wish i could load videos faster!

i have found next to nothing on rabbits on there so far. its rather sad isnt it. hopefully i can get my rabbits soon and put some up though. :)

i love milking the goats but i know that they arent for everyone. they are very smart and can be painfully stupid as well. haha. but i love them. i dont have much experience with minis or pygmys or nigirian dwarfs as i have big hands and i dont see much reason in feeding an animal that is half the size and gives half the meat and milk as a standard size goat but eats about the same amount. that and their stature isnt good for packing or harness. i hope to get into harnessing them as well. but thats just my view.
if anyone is interested in packgoats here are some links:
packgoatforum.com (i'm on here too :D i have a little forum addiction ;) )
if you have any questions about pack or harness goats feel free to ask! i love talking about em :D

yep i will be getting some videos of me with them on the actual farm soon.
i use my digital camera to take videos and upload them to the site. i dont know how to make a video with pics. i have about a thousand pics that i could make to videos though. haha. good luck on that :)

right now i have about 10 or 13 videos that i need to upload. haha. they take a while though so i havent got em up yet.
Those videos are great!

I've considered getting goats when I move and think pack goats are awesome. What breeds are your goats and how old are they? On average, how far can a pack goat travel in one day?

a quote from the site:
"The goats most commonly used for packing are wethers (castrated males), from the larger dairy breeds. A good sized wether is 36" tall at the shoulder and weighs 200 pounds. A goat in good condition can carry 25% of its body weight or approximately 50 pounds and can travel 5-12 miles per day depending on terrain."
and you will want to look this over. it is about training them:
http://northwestpackgoats.com/index.php ... &chapter=1

my two right now are saanen. the tan one is 2 yrs old and the white one is 1.5 years old. they both kidded this past may. i am looking for a buck now to breed them to. i had hoped to have them bred in december, but things didnt work out.
http://fiascofarm.com/ - This site has a TON of info of Dairy goats, with over 300 pages on everything there is to know about Dairy goats. I have read every page! This is what really got me intrested in Dairy goats. I would really suggest reading it, going to the "Site Map" Is the easiest way of getting around.

I will look into Pack Goats. I will be looking over those sites tonight! :D

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