My friend's rabbit has an eye infection, a really bad one. Now, without revealing personal information, I can give limited details... However she did not have care and control of her rabbits for a period of time, and only received them back yesterday, to find that her doe's eye looked like this. Vet is not currently an option. The doe is eating/drinking/acting normal. I suggested a few things, but because she does not currently have internet installed, I promised my friend I would look into this and try and get more suggestions for her, to help her clear this up.
Please help!
I've never personally dealt with anything quite this bad, and am worried that my suggestions are going to fall into the "too little, too late" category. I suggested warm tea bags(though I don't know what kind??), and she is going to check her local pharmacy for contact lens solution and polysporin eye drops(which I am not sure are available in the US). I did suggest a warm compress with a lint free cloth or pad, and gently trying to wipe away any goo/gunk possible.
Oh, Experts of RT, heed my cry and please help me help my friend. It would break her heart to lose this doe after the personal difficulties she's had recently!!