The photos are a great help. Yep, I think you're probably right. The "scattered white hairs" look suspiciously evenly distributed, even on the ears. The marten looks like a well-marked marten, but given the others and the "shaggy" lilac (which looks a bit like it might be a lilac tort), I'd put my money on silver fox in the mix.
Incidentally, none of them really look like they have satin coats at all. Satin is recessive, so it can "hide" behind a normal coat in a mixed breed, but a rabbit can't be "a satin" if it doesn't have sheen. Although it is pretty hard to get a picture that depicts satin sheen well, it usually shows up at least a little. Here's sheen:
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That last one is a young black satin with scattered white hairs...

It's the only photo taken outdoors, and you can see that in the sunlight, the sheen makes them look nearly iridescent.
In addition to the sheen, the other thing about Satin fur is that it has a smaller diameter hair shaft than normal fur, so it looks finer. All of your bunnies pictured look more normal-coated in that way, too.
In fact, since none of the bunnies are satinized, it makes me wonder if your "satins" have any satin in them at all!

Did your first litter have any satinized bunnies in it?