Winter is coming, bedding

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Aug 14, 2022
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All my rabbits have a box in their wire bottomed outdoor hutches. The boxes I just made have no bottom and I just set them on the wire bottom of the cage. I'm doing this to see if they pee or poop in them before I put a bottom in or bed them with hay and straw. My question is: will they get cold with no bottom in their box? I suppose if their bedding stays dry they won't be cold. We are looking at 29 next week for our lows so winter is on it's way.
I covered the hutches so they have total wind break now. Temps hitting freezing then back up to 70s. They can just all play outside those days. I'm very happy my rabbit garden is coming nicely. Greens for my sweethearts.
All my rabbits have a box in their wire bottomed outdoor hutches. The boxes I just made have no bottom and I just set them on the wire bottom of the cage. I'm doing this to see if they pee or poop in them before I put a bottom in or bed them with hay and straw. My question is: will they get cold with no bottom in their box? I suppose if their bedding stays dry they won't be cold. We are looking at 29 next week for our lows so winter is on it's way.
We get really cold here. Below zero.I have a large insulted box with several den boxes inside. I used an old Formica table for floor cardboard over and hay over that. attached wire run where food and water is kept.deep litter there.The ladies keep quite clean. And seem to poop and pee at the end of run. My male is a dirty boy. And poops and pees everywhere and shreds the cardboard. When I put windows up to cover some wire for winter he peed on them.( Can't clean them without unscrewing- brat boy). Yes I think they need to have a warm comfy draft free, soft spot to crawl into.try a piece of cardboard for a bottom add some hay or straw It's easy to change when needed. I have heard the suggestion to put a cardboard box inside your wooden box and stuff straw between for added insulation. I still worry I haven't done enough. All this depends on how cold your Winters are. Good luck
Gets cold in ak and -40 is common. And we feel that they need the extra protection.
Draft-free (which also means rain & snow free) is important. I think the rest depends on your rabbits and location. I have some very dirty bunnies that insist on using their box as an outhouse. That isn't helpful to their health, and I usually remove their box. Others are quite neat and orderly, and greatly enjoy their hay-lined box; I replace their hay as needed. If you are in an extreme climate like Olbunny, I can see the need for extra protection. And I'd suspect that the bunnies that do well in that climate, and keep their boxes clean so they are healthy, are the ones that are used for breeding, thus producing a line of rabbits acclimated to the area.

If you need boxes, you might try wire-bottomed boxes with hay inside. The hay can be changed as needed, but at least the urine can drain through easily.
We get really cold here. Below zero.I have a large insulted box with several den boxes inside. I used an old Formica table for floor cardboard over and hay over that. attached wire run where food and water is kept.deep litter there.The ladies keep quite clean. And seem to poop and pee at the end of run. My male is a dirty boy. And poops and pees everywhere and shreds the cardboard. When I put windows up to cover some wire for winter he peed on them.( Can't clean them without unscrewing- brat boy). Yes I think they need to have a warm comfy draft free, soft spot to crawl into.try a piece of cardboard for a bottom add some hay or straw It's easy to change when needed. I have heard the suggestion to put a cardboard box inside your wooden box and stuff straw between for added insulation. I still worry I haven't done enough. All this depends on how cold your Winters are. Good luck
thank you, i agree, warmer the better. My doe is using her big nesting box right with a removable bottom and hay and seems content. No pee. I'm just going to keep that in her cage because she may be pregnant and if so is due in 2 weeks. The buck has a small wooden box with a bottom with bedding. For now I feel OK with these but come true winter I will build them actual hidey homes.
Draft-free (which also means rain & snow free) is important. I think the rest depends on your rabbits and location. I have some very dirty bunnies that insist on using their box as an outhouse. That isn't helpful to their health, and I usually remove their box. Others are quite neat and orderly, and greatly enjoy their hay-lined box; I replace their hay as needed. If you are in an extreme climate like Olbunny, I can see the need for extra protection. And I'd suspect that the bunnies that do well in that climate, and keep their boxes clean so they are healthy, are the ones that are used for breeding, thus producing a line of rabbits acclimated to the area.

If you need boxes, you might try wire-bottomed boxes with hay inside. The hay can be changed as needed, but at least the urine can drain through easily.
i agree.
We keep boxes in the pens pretty much year round for the does. Buck gets one in winter. Our rabbits keep the boxes very clean. And they poo in a corner. I put hay in the boxes.
Gets cold in ak and -40 is common. And we feel that they need the extra protection.
pretty tough rabbits in -40. makes me not worry so much. bunnies are great.
I have wooden boxes in the cages for the rabbits, with wood floors. They are actually enclosed nest boxes. They give the rabbits some additional protection if they want it, and also they can get on top of it. No floor space is lost. Most of the rabbits do not use the box for a litter box, but except for one doe. I just clean it out every day. She is a very good doe, and I just take an extra 2 minutes to clean up the box and keep her healthy and clean.

I like hanging out with my rabbits, and I like giving them what they need. In reality, they are the boss and I'm the servant. If it takes a bit longer, that's just part of keeping livestock.
I have wooden boxes in the cages for the rabbits, with wood floors. They are actually enclosed nest boxes. They give the rabbits some additional protection if they want it, and also they can get on top of it. No floor space is lost. Most of the rabbits do not use the box for a litter box, but except for one doe. I just clean it out every day. She is a very good doe, and I just take an extra 2 minutes to clean up the box and keep her healthy and clean.

I like hanging out with my rabbits, and I like giving them what they need. In reality, they are the boss and I'm the servant. If it takes a bit longer, that's just part of keeping livestock.
I have more boxes to build. Lots of ideas. Yes they are alot of fun. I'm just the zookeeper but it's been that way all my life with some type of animal. Guess that's what I'm here for. Freezing here for 3 nites. Hope my rabbit garden survives. 70s in 4 days. Thanks geoengineering. Now my organic garden is full of aluminum.
I have more boxes to build. Lots of ideas. Yes they are alot of fun. I'm just the zookeeper but it's been that way all my life with some type of animal. Guess that's what I'm here for. Freezing here for 3 nites. Hope my rabbit garden survives. 70s in 4 days. Thanks geoengineering. Now my organic garden is full of aluminum.
Yea, how did you get aluminum in the garden?
How did that happen?
geoengineering. Look up. chemtrails. I won't get into that here but you can watch The Dimming if you want to here
My rabbit garden survived the freeze and we have a nice week ahead. Woohoo. 2 weeks til my first processing. Pretty exciting.
Yeppers 12 degrees now. Rabbits are doing good. I guess we're lucky to not have rabbits that poo in their box.
Actually we did nothing. We put the boxes in after they have been in their pen a bit. They already have a routine. The does get their first box when they are 25 days pregnant and the box stays in the pen. They sit n look out the hole. And are content.
We don't do anything special. Feed pellets n timothy. 1 cup pellets daily and a pinch of sunflower seeds is our maintenance diet. And we are linebreeding so building up the stamina of our rabbits.
the 2 most important things are to keep things dry and windproof, when I was living out in the boonies, I covered the rabbit area with a tarp. and if I was expecting really cold weather, actually stuffed the cages with hay. The rabbits would burrow into the hay and munch all night.
oh...remember, that the digestive process actually generates body heat. So, if the animals have a nice amount of hay, and are well hydrated, just nibbling the hay will help keep them warm.
the 2 most important things are to keep things dry and windproof, when I was living out in the boonies, I covered the rabbit area with a tarp. and if I was expecting really cold weather, actually stuffed the cages with hay. The rabbits would burrow into the hay and munch all night.
oh...remember, that the digestive process actually generates body heat. So, if the animals have a nice amount of hay, and are well hydrated, just nibbling the hay will help keep them warm.
easiest animal I've ever had to care for so far. thanks for the advice, I got it covered and when mother nature wants to freeze us out I'm ready.
Heated water bowls haven't been mentioned much. Just wanted to share that having water and staying hydrated is important. Willow, birch, poplar make up good vitamin sources which is important also. While keeping stress down. It's nice when we have a few bags of raked up leaves to feed. Folks compare them to bunny potato chips. And have good value to.