Help with Chocolate

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
Lebanon Pennsylvania
I would like to breed to get chocolate mini rex rabbits ... If I have a Lynx what would I breed it to ? an Opal ?

Or will an Opal to a Black give me Chocolates ?

Chocolate is a self color.If your lynx carries the recessive "a"gene it's possible to get chocolate by breeding to any other rabbit that carries:
"D" dense
not opal.Opal and lynx are both dilute.
If you have a chocolate that would be the ideal breeding
But an amber that carries "a" self
or even a black that carries "b" brown can give you chocolate kits when bred to a genetic lynx
this is from my sort of neighbor on breeding to get chocolate MRs "if she breeds two solids together, they should have Chocolate in the background (anything Chocolate, Otter, Solid, Broken, etc.) and breed that to any color solid buck/doe and she will get Chocolate."

dont quote me on it. its from her, not me. lol.
hope you get some chocolates though. i love the color.
You need to introduce self while keeping chocolate in the line. You could breed to a black or 2 blacks if you want to establish a longer term breeding group which will give you probably chestnuts carrying the 2 genes you need and then breed the offspring of those together and you will get some chocolate, some black, some chestnut, and some chocolate agouti. If you get anything besides chestnut in the first round you are a step ahead and use those rabbits because they are already 1 gene closer to what you want.
Opal is an agouti/chestnut who is blue

Lynx is an agouti/chestnut who is blue AND chocolate (which is called lilac in a self/non-agouti rabbit)

Breeding the lynx to a lilac or to any rabbit that had a chocolate parent would be a quicker way to get chocolate. You can get chocolate from a lynx but it will take a couple generations if you don't have any rabbits to breed them to that also have the chocolate gene
OK so then the Lynx does carry chocolate.

So then should I breed the Lynx back to the parent ? The parent is from a castor x black otter with broken black, broken opal, otters, opal and tri color in the pedigree. Or should I breed the Lynx to a black that has broken black x blue parents with black, black otter and black in the pedigree ?
The sire and dam of the lynx must carry chocolate for certain so I would breed them back until you get a chocolate agouti/chestnut/castor ( I think Rex people call this colour cinnamon) and then breed to black to eventually get rid of the agouti gene.
MKirst":2u2whkj0 said:
OK so then the Lynx does carry chocolate.

So then should I breed the Lynx back to the parent ? The parent is from a castor x black otter with broken black, broken opal, otters, opal and tri color in the pedigree. Or should I breed the Lynx to a black that has broken black x blue parents with black, black otter and black in the pedigree ?
From the description you give I am wondering if you have a genetic lynx, or you have a cream. There are people in the Rex world that are showing rabbits as "lynx" that are actually cream. A_B_ C_ dd ee. This is actually the dilute of red. and will NOT get you a chocolate if it does not carry the "b" brown gene.
castor is black
blue is black
black otter is black
tri is probably black and carries the ej gene. could also carry "e" non extension.
Opal is black
None of the colors that you mention are "b" brown based. So there is a possibility that you don't have the "b" gene in the first place.
On the other hand, since "b" is recessive to "B" it could be there in ANYof the animals that you mentioned. The only way to know is to breed to a KNOWN "b"brown carrier: Chocolate, Lilac, Amber or[genetic] Lynx.
I'll post a picture of the Lynx I'm talking about. I didn't know what color he was so I posted him on a website and 90% of the answers said Lynx. I'll get some pictures today. Maybe he isn't Lynx. ;)

Although he doesn't look cream to me .. he has a brother that I know looks cream though.
Most of his ancestry has full extension so I don't think he would have non-extension and be fawn, but it's possible.

Another possibility is he is just a poor Opal with some other unknown modifier making him look Lynx, perhaps an otter effect?

Like Carloline stated, you'll only know if you test breed to a chocolate but breeding back to a parent is the next best thing.
Here is the rabbit (Lynx) in question.


Here is a litter mate.


Here is the whole litter. Castor x Opal. The one I was told is a Lynx is second from the right.


Which one of these can I use to get chocolate .. and what should I breed it too - if I don't have a known chocolate carrier ? :cool:
Holy crow what a variety! And all in the same litter!

THIS is why I breed Am Chins, just one colour, nice and simple.

The 3 on the left all look fawn (agouti & non extension) to me so Caroline's theory may be true.

Other than he looks like he has agouti in him, I have no idea what else. Perhaps a Rex breeder can help but I have no clue, sorry.
second from the left looks like it may be a red.
I am guessing that your "lynx" may be a cream[fawn in other breeds]
The best thing you could do is get a lilac.That is ALL recessive[except for the Extension/non-extension gene.

I have sympathy for your situation. When I got back into Rex, after being away for over 20 years. I was VERY excited about breeding the "brown" gene colors: Amber, Lynx, Chocolate,and Lilac. I bought a buck at the time that I was told was broken amber. He turned out to be broken black tortoise shell [not recognized in standard Rex]. Nothing was coming out as I expected. When life gives me lemons... Thus when I was given non-extension, I also got RED out of the agouti breedings.

It wasn't where I thought I was going but I now have some BEAUTIFUL red and broken red Rex. This fall I bought a chocolate buck and a lilac buck. I now have their first litters in the nest boxes and YIPPEE! I have chocolate, Lynx, Amber and broken of those varieties.I've been working for almost 3 years to get here but I'm VERY excited!So you can do it too. You may just have to be a little more patient.
Ok thanks for the replies.

Ya, the red is a red.

So then the in first picture and the second from the right in the group picture is a Cream and not a Lynx ?
Chocolate is very hard to find. I do have one on my list to buy though for the Lebanon Show in Feb.

I went to the Show up north last month and was told by multiple breeders the best thing to do is breed your own. That's why I inquired here about Chocolate genes with some buns I do have.

I'll figure something out. :x

Thanks for the comment.
If you didnt live so far from me I would gladly sell you one of my broken choco does.
If it's mini rex - I need a buck.

I currently have adult 4 mini rex does, 5 baby mini rex does and 1 baby buck. I must get a broken tri or broken red mini rex buck to continue with that project.

Poor John needs a doe, maybe I should just look for a broken chocolate Standard Rex doe and do the chocolates with John instead of with the mini rex.

That way I'm only looking for 1 mini rex buck and 1 standard rex doe. ;)
Yes shes a MR, I only have black bucks left, there mom is the broken chocolate. so they could carry the chocolate gene. I did breed my 2 does again to my black buck, but i doubt i get any chocolates, last litter was all blacks (solid and broken) and rew's.