Doe refuses to mate

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Ole Mule

Well-known member
Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
South Carolina
I have a doe I kept for breeding she is now 6 months old. My problem is she refuses to mate I have put her in with the buck every other day for 3 weeks running. The buck wares his self out but no success. She will not raise and tries to stick her rear end in a corner where he can't mount. Any suggestion other than leaving her in with him, I need to see the deed done so I will know when the due date is and when to add nest box.
Do you water ACV (Apple Cider Vinagar) It is said it helps with breeding. 2 table spoons per gallon. Just 1 thing you can try. I use it and don't have any troubles with breeding's. Is she outside or in, if inside does she get enough light 16 hrs aday? Breed of rabbit?
At six months she should be ready- but some does mature a bit later. Have you checked her vent color to see if she is likely to be receptive?

If her color is good, there are several things you might try:

Hold her head down to keep her from running and hiding her rump
Grasp her skin just behind her shoulders and pull it forward toward her head, which will lift her tail and may even make her lift onto her toes
Try breeding them in a larger enclosure so the doe can run around
Take her for a ride in the car
Swap cages for a night, putting the doe in the buck's cage and him in hers
Give her Raspberry Zinger tea
Give her foods rich in vitamins A & E

I hope something works! :clover:
I just dealt with this with a doe. I did the ACV in the water for a week, swapped cages, tried holding the doe...

Maybe the ACV or swapped cages finally helped, because when I was about to throw in the towel, she finally decided she was VERY willing.

So the ACV takes a week? How about the swapped cages (how many nights)?

Great info. I need to remember this!

Thank you.
Well I first posted this on Jan. 30 it is now March 10 and now the buck finally made one successful go at it he mounted and did his thing and fell of so I am assuming she is mated. She will not let him mount again. She dos not know how close she was becoming stew. If I do not get some young ones from her she will be stew.
Yes more than once would have been nice, been trying since Jan. 30 this was the only tie he covered her and fell off. She just will not cooperate. So when it come time for her to have little ones and none show up, she will be dog food. I am tired of messing with her.
We use ACV in all our water 24/7 if for no other reason the health of the bunnies, just a bonus it helps them be receptive. What breed is she? Some times you just have to do what you feel you need to do. :( , But I'm hoping you have a nest box full of little wiggleys soon. :)
Well at least my main doe did not let me down she kindled this morning haven't counted the numbers but more than likely it will be 8 that her favorite number. Her daughter has just until April 15 that is running by her due date just a little if no popples no daughter. I got to long invested in this doe just to feed her, I will definitely replace her with another doe.
I've got a new one. One of my does does a barrel roll every time she gets mounted. I've had a lot of rabbits and never seen one do that. I agree with what sheepdog said about holding the shoulders and pulling the skin forward. Only issue is that you need a buck who isn't shy. Mine has no shame!
OK I think the rabbit couldn't get bred then the buck got one good chance and he did the famous roll over backwards. I have been hoping that she would conceive and it looks like she might have. Basing that on he actions she is doing the same thing my other doe does when she is close to birthing that is she keeps emptying her food hopper makes me mad so I put a nest box in three days early to see if that's what she wants. If she is pregnant then Friday coming would be the day for delivery. Got my fingers crossed. <br /><br /> __________ Fri Apr 10, 2015 3:46 pm __________ <br /><br /> OK she had 8 and ate the first two. She wouldn't use a regular nest box so I had to improvise then swap them over to a different type nest box than what I normally use. Hoping all goes well from here. Now just hope she will take care of them. She did try to make a nest on the wire pulled a lot of fur so I ended up putting all in a make shift cardboard box in the corner that she was using got a successful litter. If she do a good job I will keep her if not I will replace her.
jimmywalt":izbb3xlk said:
So the ACV takes a week? How about the swapped cages (how many nights)?

Great info. I need to remember this!

Thank you.
Sorry I didn't see this sooner. ACV can take a few days to a week or so, swapped cages can work as fast as overnight. :)
I have to agree with the acv. I had the exact same problem and after a week she was like a different doe. That or she just got tired of me putting her in with the bucks and gave in to pressure.
We use ACV too. It's soooo good for their health. Have you tried Raspberry leaves?


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