Why Does My Buck Stomp His Feet at My Doe After Breeding?

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2016
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So I bred my Silver Fox buck to my Giant Chinchilla does (both first time moms, but he has had 7 litters). After he bred them, he stomped his feet at them. Why? He's never done this before? He bred both with fall-offs but why the stomping? I thought stomping was a warning/fear related? :oops:
it just means he had a good time! all of my bucks stomp for several minutes after falling off - i guess it's just a compliment from him lol :mrgreen:
His way of bragging to the others that he's done the deed. Rabbits have some weird ways of communcating. I've read somewhere that their eyes bulging can be from excitement or fear (going from 0-100)
They also stomp their feet for other reason too. I have had does do it. I believe they use as a warning system. Or to say I had enough of you dont come any closer.
We just had a buck breed today who yodeled while falling over. He lay there for a couple of seconds while still yodeling. It wasn't quite screaming, but it was way more vocal than a mere grunt. Bucks are strange. He then got up and stomped around the place like all bucks do.

I've noticed that while the buck is up stomping around, the doe is crouched down and not moving. Which is pretty much what they all do. Could it be possible that bigger litters are produced if the doe is calm directly after breeding?

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