Super Fuzzy Lop holland parents

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Well-known member
May 3, 2015
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My first breeding pair of hollands gave me 3 super angora like kits

I guess they are Fuzzy lops? Can they be shown as such and will my normal pedigree be ok if I put that the offspring is a fuzzy?
I was going to ask fifty for the does but are they worth less? more? THey are pretty spectacular looking and super sweet. THey look bigger than they are. weigh about a pound and a half at 8 weeks old.phpVHM1s3PM (1).jpg
They're called Fuzzy Hollands, and they're pretty common. Both parents must carry to longhair gene to make this, so you can write down fuzzy carrier on them or whatever. Angoras were bred in to improve the fur of Hollands at one point, and now you get this popping up sometimes. Years ago, breeders got together and started selectively breeding these to create american fuzzy lops. You can show fuzzy hollands as fuzzy lops, but often their wool really lacks in texture compared to pure fuzzy lops, so they don't often do as well (on the contrary: they usually have pretty good type, albeit too high of a head mount, so depending on the judge fuzzy Hollands might even beat real fuzzy lops). You can advertise them as fuzzy Hollands, but don't just sell as fuzzy lops. I think $50 is a bit much, unless they have good type or something that could help fuzzy lops, these things are more of culls. They can make good pets but require more grooming than pure fuzzy lops because they have less guard hairs, which are the low maintenance part of the wool. Fuzzy lop people sometimes buy fuzzy Hollands anyways, esp to improve type on their fuzzy lops, and the two are often interbred, but fuzzy lops with a fuzzy Holland within the last three generations can't be registered or granded. Fuzzy Hollands don't have too much place in a Holland lop program; if you start using them you'll just see more and more fuzzies popping up.

Note: the long wool makes the head and bone appear thicker and fuller than they actually are. If this rabbit appears to have better Holland qualities than its short haired siblings, don't be deceived... They're probably genetically the same.
Well,I doubt this is the breed for me..And I thought peanuts were all you had to worry about with hollands. Ha. I tried grooming them and had to trim a lot of mats away with a ten blade. This fur seems to mat as it grows. My satin angoras are simple to take care of compared to these. I am fond of them though, they have way to cute faces. But the upkeep for me is a a real drawback. I have heard it gets a little better as they age, so I guess I will just wait and see, or shave them down and not worry about it for awhile. It's like dry fine cotton that can mat in two days time. Not loving this fur at all. I need to go to a show and see a proper coat on a fuzzy show type to see what its supposed to look like.