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  1. G

    Playing with the pelts

    Awesome topic and input everybody! I'm currently tanning my first batch of hides. After butchering, I picked the large bits of fat off the hide, laid the hides fur side down and covered in a thick layer of salt. After drying like that for about a week I then rubbed off the salt, peeled off any...
  2. G

    Show me your hutches!

    Nice. I am building out hutch and plan on having a drop floor in it and insulated temovable sides that can be taken off in summer and placed up in winter. Still hashing out the design specifics and seeing the numerous hutches others have has been awesome! Hopefully we can have a mobile tractor...
  3. G

    Show me your hutches!

    I'm new to rabbits and very curious about how to overwinter rabbits. We live in Iowa where Temps in winter often don't get above single digits for weeks at a time. You seem to have much more sever weather. Do you use any heaters or insulation besides putting them in the greenhouse?
  4. G


    I am open to suggestions as we are brand new at rabbits. The little research I have done I am looking at running crosses of any of the following: Champagne D'Argent California American Chinchilla New Zealand Thanks for any input
  5. G


    Hey everyone! My wife and I have started a small homestead in SW Iowa. Our goal is to become food independent and eventually to make a living off of our farm. We have decided that meat rabbits would be a great source of protein and I look forward to learning.