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  1. DoozyWombat

    Rabbit Pot Roast

    I did an experiment yesterday, essentially duplicating my campfire beef pot roast recipe in a crock pot with rabbit. It was outstanding. I'll include both, as it's one concept with multiple applications. For the campfire, this is one of the best recipes you can use on a campout (but not if...
  2. DoozyWombat

    Chicken Wire

    If the floors of a wire cage are 1/2"x1" 14 gauge GAW wire, is there a problem with the sides and top being made out of 1" poultry netting (chicken wire)? I've seen a couple of disparaging remarks about losing kits through chicken wire, but I'm guessing that is the 2" kind. The alternative to...
  3. DoozyWombat

    New Rabbitry Design Needs Feedback

    Here is my first attempt at designing a rabbitry. I did this more as an exercise at learning Sketchup than anything else, but I do plan to build from my finished design and use it. When finished, I'll post the full design so others can use it, if they wish. I'm not finished mainly because I have...
  4. DoozyWombat

    Breed for Both Meat and Fur

    First post here. This seems the appropriate forum. My apologies if it's in the wrong place. Is there a best breed for both meat and fur? My understanding is that the Californians are appreciated for the white pelts that can be dyed any color, but I'm more interested in fur that is beautiful and...