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  1. M

    stone like things inside of rabbit

    What are the stone like things in these pictures? One on both sides, close or maybe part of, reproductive organs.
  2. M

    Great news!!!

    I have had trouble getting my purebred Satin does to continue eating through pregnancy, delivery healthy kits, let alone take care of them if they do manage to have a few. Starlight, however, had a decent nest, with fur :P a first, with 13 healthy popples last night. Two are smaller than the...
  3. M

    peeing on litter

    Ashes, 1/2 Satin, seems to be peeing on her litter. Her first litter she seemed to be doing a great, but only had a singleton and it froze. Bred her back right away and got no kits. Waited a bit due to a barn full of litters. Gave birth to her second litter and 4 alive out of 8. Didn't get them...
  4. M

    liver gallbladder issues

    This is the infamous "what came first" question. Did our best attempt at an autopsy last night. Please forgive me for not having pictures, it was 10pm and had been a hectic evening :oops: She was just shy of 2 years old, purebred Satin. She had been a great mom for her first litter at 8...
  5. M

    just some cute bunny pics

    Trying to get my Satin otters going. A few pics from 3 different litters. <br /><br /> __________ Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:56 pm __________ <br /><br /> had to share
  6. M

    show carriers in Michigan

    Anyone know of a place to purchase show carriers (preferably with duratrays) in Northern Michigan or near Ann Arbor? Traveling back for my sister-in-law's wedding and would love to pick up one or two.
  7. M

    otter, marten, fox

    What are the differences between these color patterns? In my mind otters have varying shades of tan, martens a more uniform white, concerning the marked areas of the body. Fox I have no clue. Somebody help me out here lol. Ultimate goal is otters btw. Doe birthed my first blue otter kit...
  8. M

    toenail colors in otters

    Is a white toenail a DQ in otter variety Satins? I'm assuming the standard would be the same as for selfs, but I can't find anything specific in the SOP book. Thanks for the help!
  9. M

    help drying up milk production

    Someone please remind me what plants help dry up a doe's milk :cry: Yet another failed litter from Starlight. She tried so hard this time and actually did everything right. Except she quit eating and I think the kits failed to develop fully. Found 12 dead in the nest box today, some were...
  10. M

    Tan colored poop

    This may be too broad of a question, but what causes peanut butter colored poop? Two months ago I had a 3 week old kit die and its stomach and back legs were covered in light tan diarrhea. I now have a doe that is due in 4 days that has light tan colored poop. Some poops look normal other than...
  11. M

    Nestbox eye

    Had one kit that had a bit of crusty on its eye as they began to open. No big deal, cleaned it with warm water as I have on past kits and thought nothing of it. I got hit by the nasty cold bug and haven't paid a whole lot of attention to what's been happening in the bunny barn the past week. So...
  12. M

    Reconsidering my breeding ages?

    I didn't really start looking at the color of does vulvas until last November. Ashes is a half satin that will be 6 months on March 10th. Was taking weights and clipping toenails today, and just making general observations :mrgreen: Because "working" in the bunny barn is better than any other...
  13. M

    blue otter, chinchilla?

    Sire is a blue satin, dam is opal satin/Flemish. I'm thinking 4 blues, but not sure. They all look different shades? One kits has distinct light otter type makings, blue otter or chinchilla? Last kit has a lighter tummy color, but not lighter inside of ears or facial markings? Any ideas? These...
  14. M

    Updated litter pics

    These guys are all about 2 1/2 weeks old. <br /><br /> -- Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:25 am -- <br /><br /> continued
  15. M

    Litter #2

    Starlight gave birth to her second litter yesterday afternoon. Not much improvement over the first epic fail, but a little. Found nine kits (2 dead still with placentas) in the nest box. She had covered the group of live ones in the back with some hay, but no fur again :twisted: Brought them in...
  16. M

    Better luck this month

    Lost two litters in January, total of 22 newborn kits. Was very happy to see these two litters this morning, fat, warm, and happy :D Great feeling to have popples in the barn again :rabbit-hop2: :rabbit-hop1: :rabbit-hop2:
  17. M

    Critter Pics

    Just a few of the herd :mbounce:
  18. M

    Evans Software-Flemish colors

    What colors are these two buns? Flemish Satin crosses not quite two years old. I have zip experience with Flemish Giant colors. Basic genotype would be helpful if possible. Helps me pick the correct color on the software program. :popcorn:
  19. M

    Evans software- Agouti?

    Anyone familiar with the Evans Rabbit Software now which color you would select for just plain old wild Agouti color? Its a mixed rabbit so I realize that the genetics might not be totally accurate, but their is just so many "agouti" colors to choose from on the expanded list. I have no clue...
  20. M

    Grooming Satins & breeding ?

    Does anyone brush their Satins before showing? During our July show every bunny was molting heavily. The most successful Satin exhibitor was brushing her rabbits, but I couldn't tell with what type of brush. She is the club secretary so always very busy at the show and I am shy about talking to...