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  1. AmysMacdog

    How to use Animax/Calf Manna supplement

    I had a problem with my two American does recently. They both had large litters and the bunnies were thin and one of the mothers was thin so I got some Animax to add to their pellets. I've been giving them a tablespoon twice a day. Everybody is doing fine and has gained weight and I have two...
  2. AmysMacdog

    Just popped in to say Hi and give an update

    Hi everybody! I've been on vacation! As a lot of you know I was having a tough time with my husband and wellllll he managed to get himself in jail for 30 days and believe it or not I had nothing to do with it! :P He got picked up for driving on a suspended because he wasn't wearing a...
  3. AmysMacdog

    hilarious video! Hope the link works, its hilarious!
  4. AmysMacdog

    Just a quick update

    I hadn't said anything lately and I wish I had good news but my hubs is still the same. He's been much sweeter and more his old self than he was but he's telling everyone he won't be here much longer. So his family and I are on pins and needles waiting to see what happens. He pretty much keeping...
  5. AmysMacdog

    Fun word game

    I just saw this game somewhere else - Replace one word in your favorite movie title with the word Tomato. The responces were great! Soooo lets do the same thing with the word Rabbit. I'll start Raiders of the Lost Rabbit
  6. AmysMacdog

    So what's your cure for cabin fever?

    What a bad winter its been even here in Georgia. Its been bad. I remember when this would've been normal for Georgia but that was 21 years ago!! My daughter was 2 and the blizzard of '93 hit in March. It was like winter was used up after that. LOL We've had really mild ones since then and have...
  7. AmysMacdog

    Looking for help- Sad

    Two years ago, my husband began to limp, it got worse and worse. He fell a lot, hitting his head often. Finally with no insurance we found the help he so badly needed but the discs in his neck had shifted and damaged his spinal cord. He can barely walk. He uses a cane and/or a walker. He still...
  8. AmysMacdog

    Trying to learn how to use this computer

    I keep hoping to learn to post pics and learn how to do things myself but I'm not having a lot of luck so far. LOL I recently (with DD's help got pics onto the computer. And now I can actually find them by my self to now! She does everything so fast and does it for me which is nice but doesn't...
  9. AmysMacdog

    Got my Scovies!!! Yay!

    My daughter is so sweet! She went last evening to meet a man I had talked with on the phone. Very nice couple, I'm so glad to have found them. Anyway she came home with an older pair, looks like this years. They look young and 5 ducklings. When I had originally talked to him he had older...
  10. AmysMacdog

    Well now my Borage is trying to bloom

    Usually borage is easy right? This year my first plants failed so I used the last of my seeds and got some plants going again. They too looked terrible and never went into the garden. Instead I kept them in pots, moving up the ones that seemed to snap out of it and grow. Still they were slow and...
  11. AmysMacdog

    My RT icon croaked. What do i do?

    My Rabbit Talk icon DD set up for me has a blue screen today. I've been getting here thru google. Anyway to fix it or does DD need to make me a new one? :)<br /><br />__________ Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:35 pm __________<br /><br />Now my facebook icon isn't working either. Its just a white screen...
  12. AmysMacdog

    Yay! My first Twirly star!

    :clap: :pinkbunny: I got my first Twirly Star! :D
  13. AmysMacdog

    how to ship a goat?

    Someone about 3 hours from me 4 max wants one of my goats. He's still smaller than our GSD Bruno. Who do ya'll recommend for shipping a small goat?
  14. AmysMacdog

    can I sterilize water bottle caps and plastic bowls?

    Just wondering I no longer have any of the rabbits that were exposed to the virus last year because I have the two litters of the Americans and one doe rebred. So I was sanitizing the cages the way we covered in an earlier thread but was wondering about the plastic bowls and the water bottle...
  15. AmysMacdog

    goat decision ....should I?

    Ugh I'm terrible on these decisions! We have someone who will buy my pair of Mini Nubian goats. Doe is 6 y/o and buck is 3 y/o. I'm just worried about breaking their hearts and my own. I love my MN doe but I'm not going to breed Mini Nubians anymore then someone else can take her and start their...
  16. AmysMacdog

    American blue pics finally!

    We finally got pics of my American blues!
  17. AmysMacdog

    Hmmmm....... Can't find my blue and white bunny thread

    If I remember right it was called "I have blue and white bunnies!" Were they bunnynapped? LOL I've tried a couple of times doing searches but couldn't find it. :hmm: Figures.... I finally post pics and they vanish! :lol: Anyway just wanted to update, I lost a runty one the first couple...
  18. AmysMacdog

    Okaaaaay.........laptop #2

    Had to return the other one, it kept randomly shutting down so we returned it today. This is the first time using this one and so far so good. LOL Maybe this one will be ok. I hope so. The other one was an Acer and had windows 7, this one is a Dell and has windows 8 but DD is used to it now so...
  19. AmysMacdog

    Blue and white popples!

    Yay! My American blue doe had her kits this afternoon! :P She had 6 I think, didn't want to disturb her too much. There were at least 2 whites and the rest were blue. That is litter number 2! :pinkbunny: The first 4 buns are doing great with their mother and just turned 4 wks old on the...
  20. AmysMacdog


    This is Amy's daughter Rachel, setting up the new laptop. Maybe now my 7y/o Dell laptop can finally retire, lol.