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  1. pfaubush

    We're building a barn!!!

    I'm actually going to get a real live barn! With solid walls and roof and the whole 9 yards!!! I'm shooting for 30' x 60' and as simple (and inexpensive) as possible. I figure for a couple thousand, I can get something that would improve our property value, rather than buy more carports (think...
  2. pfaubush

    Woo! Big Time Kindling!!!

    I had 13 rabbits due yesterday. Ten kindled and we have ~94 kits (I haven't done official counting...more checking for the living). The other three have all pulled fur, so I know they will kindle. Not a single miss on this go 'round. This is on top of the 87 kits born 2 weeks ago! Finally...
  3. pfaubush

    Yesterday I broke the closet. Today...

    I broke my tail bone. I got my leg caught in some metal I was bending in the driveway, caught my foot and went whirling around. I really thought I caught myself. My daughter had just said, "Don't fall," when my ankle twisted. I slammed my tail bone on the driveway, then smacked the back of my...
  4. pfaubush


    So, I went to buy some rabbits yesterday, sight unseen, and was a bit nervous about it. My luck is never really good in these sort of situations. I just never can seem to stop myself :oops: I was told it was 1 hutch and 3 cages. I got there and it was 2 have a heart hutches (one is a double)...
  5. pfaubush


    I had someone ask me what I paid for rabbits. I told him $1.40 per lb. live weight. He scoffed and told me he makes $2.00 per lb. butchered, then hung up on me. By my calculations...he would make $7.00 per live 5 lb. rabbit or $6.00 for a butchered rabbit. This is after considering the 60%...
  6. pfaubush


    I didn't want to hi-jack Brandy's thread, so just out of curiousity, how do you name your rabbits? My Cali's are all notable people in history. Eli (Whitney), Marie (Curie), Helen (Keller), etc. My NZW's are all Norse Mythology. Bragi, Johann, Freya, etc. Blues are Blues musicians. Etta...
  7. pfaubush

    The Ringer

    I plan on adding 100-120 cages to my barn (in banks of 3-4) over the course of a few months. This is a lot (A LOT) of J clipping. Bass has a gadget called The Ringer ( and I'm thinking about getting it. Has anyone here used it? Or...
  8. pfaubush

    Bought Out Another Rabbitry

    I just got a call from someone that got my number from a friend. He has 3 does and a buck, 5 kits and one of the does is pregnant. They come with 4 cages and a wood hutch that he bought new last year, feeders, and water bottles. The best part is they are out of my stock that I lost last year...
  9. pfaubush

    Video of Kindling

    So, I'm terribly nosey when it comes to my rabbits kindling habits and I caught one of my commercial does in the middle of delivering today. I got my phone and uploaded to YouTube. Here's the link if anyone is interested.
  10. pfaubush

    Looking for Specific Answer

    I've seen it posted all over the place where people are wondering how many bucks they need, but I've never seen the topic covered with specific answers. It's always the broad doe to buck ratio. I've seen a thousand times that that a buck will take care of 8 does, but this doesn't take into...
  11. pfaubush

    Das Barn...warning...pic heavy

    So, I did my Friday cleaning today and the only litter I have that's itty bitty was finally poking their heads out and I couldn't resist taking pics. Then I went a bit crazy with the camera. These are the results... Pedigreed's got 2 legs. There are 3 more hiding in the...
  12. pfaubush

    Letting It Get To Me

    Last summer, a friend and I decided that we were going to start hauling rabbits to California (my idea). I set up the email, contacted all the processors, worked out the details, posted ads, and contacted most of the breeders myself. We were having a hard time getting up enough rabbits to make...
  13. pfaubush

    Could someone take a look?

    I set up a general homesteading forum for people in the Pacific NW on my site. I haven't seen one and thought it may be nice for one where people could share. Anyways, I did it, then got to looking, and am wondering if I should pull it. I'm thinking it looks like a rip off of HT and don't want...
  14. pfaubush

    Definite Rambling!

    Well, I've kicked everything into high gear. I'm almost caught up in the house (almost ready to finish painting my bedroom that I started 3 years ago) and the barn is clean. I went out and got 14 does bred this morning and decided that even though several things needed to be done...I needed a...
  15. pfaubush

    Giving 'em the Boot

    I'm on a pretty intense breeding schedule. Breed back at 2 weeks, wean at 4. My question relates to the nestbox. I've been pulling it at 21 days. I've been reading in several places that if it's pulled at 2, the kits will grow faster and have a better chance at weaning (though I've never really...
  16. pfaubush

    Why is it that...

    Some women can wake up, get in the shower, do their hair, put on make-up, raise the kids, and have a perfectly clean house and manicured yard. All the while, I haven't gotten to shower since yesterday morning, I don't remember what color the hair dryer is (do I even own a hair dryer?), I think...
  17. pfaubush


    Two very good things for me today!!! #1) So, I was a little gun-shy about breeding rabbits again, but whatta ya do? My barn is finally back together (and nearly finished), I have lights on, and the cost of feeding nonproducing rabbits ain't gettin' any cheaper. I'm out of excuses and need to...
  18. pfaubush

    Supplementing a 16% feed

    So, I've been reading and reading about feeding grain and hay. I'm half-way there, since the feed I have now is only 16%. Since I have close to 40 does and would like to increase over the year to about 75, the grain mixing seems like a huge undertaking (though I could just use the cement mixer...
  19. pfaubush

    Final Outcome on Losses

    I finally got the results of the ODA testing today. I'm absolutely sick and saddened, but nothing 'out of the ordinary' was found in the feed (the aflatoxin and vomitoxin being present was fine, since it was an acceptable level). The link that was posted earlier regarding mold is one I was...
  20. pfaubush

    Too Funny not to Share!

    Paula Dean explains how to cook canned peas. The reviews of her 'recipe' had me ROLLING! I didn't know I could read so many reviews of canned peas, but each one seems to get funnier! I really should get a...