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  1. L

    Was given a mess

    Update: There have been drastic improvements in the health and well being. I treated all the rabbits then I tried mating them and what a night and day difference in the 6 does. 5 lifted right away and had 2 fall offs when I left them alone to catch a chicken. I have added nest boxes on day 28...
  2. L

    Was given a mess

    Thank you both for replies and advice. Unfortunately he kept no records of any kind. Seems he just put rabbits together for a day or two then moved the buck to the next doe. I will be getting the fenbendazole today. I did a search and looks like 20mg per kg of weight is the recommended dose...
  3. L

    Was given a mess

    A couple of months ago I purchased a trio of New Zealands. A week later the guy I bought the trio from called and said he would give me all his rabbits (1 new Zealand, 2 Rex, 2 California, the rest are mixed breeds) and all the cages, watering system, feeders. Great, I thought. We loaded all the...
  4. L

    acts like he is over heated

    The other day I noticed that my buck was stretched out laying on his side asleep. I opened the cage and the female came to me but he just remained there. I reached in and he jumped up and became active. He ate, drank, groomed himself. I had taken a picture and sent it to the guy I got them from...