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  1. SuburbanHomesteader

    Lexington, KY breeders?

    A customer of mine has moved to Kentucky. He has a couple of reptiles and feeds them about once a month. He's looking for feeder rabbits in the Lexington, KY area. If you're interested, let me know and I'll PM you what I charged him along with his email address.
  2. SuburbanHomesteader

    Arrested Development - gross picture warning

    Had a litter this morning and found this underdeveloped fetus in the nestbox. (35th litter / 288 kits so far this year) Doe is a New Zealand - a year and three months old - fourth litter - had 8, 6, 8, and then 9 this time. Three stillborn but normal size this litter. She had two stillborn...
  3. SuburbanHomesteader

    Help Identify this Predator

    In addition to the pleasure we get from our domestic rabbits, we enjoy watching the scores of wild rabbits on our property do what rabbits do. As with any abundance of wild rabbits, a number of different kinds of predators are attracted. Such is life. We've got something new killing our wild...
  4. SuburbanHomesteader

    Very Small Kit - is this genetic?

    This is a first for me. Have a small litter - only 4 kits. Three were large and one very small. (Have since lost one that got pulled out on the wire overnight and it was too cold out.) Anyway, all parents, grandparents, etc. are full sized NZ. I've raised them all for at least 4...
  5. SuburbanHomesteader

    Update on Pregnant doe w/ bloody discharge

    Bailey is two years old. This is her 5th litter. She's always been on time and no problems - excellent nest builder and mother. My records show she's only lost one kit - has fostered several others. So she's due on the 22nd. Yesterday, after cleaning up under the pens, I go back in to find...
  6. SuburbanHomesteader

    How soon is too soon to re-breed?

    I have a young doe (10 months old) that finally has a good litter. (First breeding, nothing. Second, one stillborn kit. Third time was a charm - 7 healthy kits.) Kits are all doing well and she's been doing a good job taking care of them. So, when I go in her pen to feed her, check on kits...
  7. SuburbanHomesteader

    Charge for Dressed Rabbit

    I've seen where lots of folks sell dressed rabbits to individuals - so much per pound plus a service charge for cleaning. I'm thinking about offering something like that but was wondering what other folks charged. Please advise. Thanks!
  8. SuburbanHomesteader

    Poodle-dog Down! (kinda)

    The family dog is an 11-year-old toy poodle - she's been the perfect dog for our family as she thinks she's a cross between an old huntin' dog and a Doberman poodle. Soon as we get her home from getting trimmed and all prettied up, she runs outside and finds something dead to roll in. About 5...
  9. SuburbanHomesteader

    How to stop "diggers" from wasting feed

    I'm having an increasing problem with rabbits that dig in their feed bowl and waste feed. I do not use J feeders - I have feed bowls inside the pens. This happens mostly in my grow-out pens where there are multiple fryers (all the same age). I've chosen to feed that way so that the rabbits...
  10. SuburbanHomesteader

    Ads flagged on Craigslist?

    I posted some ads on Craigslist this weekend - same ad posted to several cities within driving distance. Logged back in to update what was available and found that most of the ads have been "flagged" and thus removed. Seems that anyone can flag an ad as inappropriate and there is no means for...
  11. SuburbanHomesteader

    Isn't Rex fur recessive?

    I thought the gene for Rex fur was recessive so that you had to have two of those genes - one from each parent - in order to have Rex fur. I've got this litter that looks like regular fur from two parents that have gorgeous Rex fur. At first, I thought it was a winter coat or something but the...
  12. SuburbanHomesteader

    Open vs. Closed Rabbitry

    I used "search" to see what's been discussed already - didn't really find the answer to my question. Our rabbitry has been open and, so far, we have not had any problems. However, I'm giving serious thought to closing it to visitors and conducting all future sales in the local Walmart parking...
  13. SuburbanHomesteader

    Four New Litters

    I don't often post photos but actually got some good ones for a change and thought I'd share. Two NZ White litters, a NZ Red litter, and a Standard Rex litter - looks like 3 opals and an amber.
  14. SuburbanHomesteader

    Over-Due Doe - an update

    Was gonna do this during halftime but the chili was soooooo good. And the Chiefs are doing all that well today anyway. Maybe missing the third quarter will bring them luck. Here's my "problem": Doe born Feb 19th. First litter. Bred on Nov 17th and by my count due on Dec 18th, along with...
  15. SuburbanHomesteader

    Nesting Materials

    Just wondering what others use inside their nestboxes. I need to put some in this weekend and thought I'd get input from others. My nestboxes have wire bottoms for summer - I put a piece of cardboard in on the bottom this time of year. Then I add a bedding. I've used hay and straw. Some...
  16. SuburbanHomesteader

    Tattoo Ink Removal

    I'm getting ready to go out and tattoo some more rabbits. I have a terrible time cleaning up afterwards...the ink on the tools, the letters/numbers, and on my fingers. I've tried alcohol, Simple Green, soap, and lots of scrubbing. Eventurally, it all wears off, but I just can't help but...
  17. SuburbanHomesteader

    Molting and Pineapple

    I have a buck that's molting - seems like for the past month. Today I notice that he's not eating his pellets. Still eating hay and drinking water. Swept up his droppings this morning before I noticed. I'm thinking he may be getting a hair block. How long does this molting thing last? I've...
  18. SuburbanHomesteader

    Wet Dewlap / Fungus

    Have been using crocks of late so I can put chunks of ice in the water dish in the afternoons and early evenings. Have one doe with prominent dewlap that has developed a fungus. (She was in a lower pen and I didn't notice the problem until last night when I moved her to an upper pen yesterday...
  19. SuburbanHomesteader

    Rex Fur genetics question

    I've got a little doe that is black with rex fur. Both of her parents are (look like) NZ Blacks. Obviously, both of them must carry the recessive rex fur gene as this little gal and three of her litter mates all had rex fur. (Heck, two of them were also REW!) I've mated those two again and...
  20. SuburbanHomesteader

    Color question???

    My latest litter of Rex bunnies. I need help determining what color the brown ones are. Parents are both Opal Dam's parents were both Lynx Sire's parents were Black and Broken Opal I would guess Lynx - but I don't want to guess. In my mind, Lynx would be more red and these are more beige...