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  1. E

    On baby-watch

    Waiting for kits to be born is really stressful. We've got 11 does due between yesterday and Monday. I wasn't supposed to be on baby-watch this time - my sister was supposed to be, but she's not here, so... Yesterday, Greta (AFL) had 4 kits (yayy! they're out of my buck so I'm praying for a...
  2. E

    Rabbit Articles

    I'm trying to think of article topics that could be written for magazines or newspapers. Things about rabbit care or showing, etc. For some reason, my mind is just drawing a blank on ideas. If you guys have any, that would be awesome!
  3. E

    Looking for 4-H rabbit (holland or mini rex) in NV

    Hey, A friend of mine is looking (for a friend of hers) for a 4-H rabbit. I think they live near Las Vegas, NV, and so far the only breeders I've found have been in northern NV. They're looking preferably for Holland lops or mini rex. If anyone knows any breeders up there, it'd be much appreciated!