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  1. R

    Yet Another Question: How does steel & colorpoint effect extension genes?

    Hey! I was wondering if anyone knows/has examples of what steel & the colorpoint genes (aside albino, of course, such as sable & chinchilla,) effects reds/torts? I know chinchilla + harlequin makes magpie, so I assume the effect would be similar in a chinchilla red appearing just mostly white...
  2. R

    Genetic difference between Tan/Otter?

    So the title is a little misleading, I know the at gene is responsible for tan/otter, and it's usually a matter of just terminology difference. However, I wanted to know if there was a difference between coloration of it such as in the tan breed, like this: And the "normal" tan/otter pattern...
  3. R

    Kit Genetics Generator

    Hello! I've been working on this project on-off for a year or two now, and wanted to share it here:) Its a generator! You can input parents genetics and get some randomized outputs of what the kits can be. It won't show you all the possibilities laid out in front of you/statistics or anything...
  4. R

    Wirehair in rabbits?

    I swear I've seen the term wirehair used in discussing rabbit genetics a few times, but no actual picture examples & I can't find any breeds that say they have it (google just provides images of a dachshund breed/coat variant lol), I was wondering if it was something that actually exists in...
  5. R

    Specific "unhealthy" breeds?

    Hello! I was wondering if there were any breeds that, in particular, are considered especially unhealthy? Mostly wondering about any with genes/appearance (like shortened snouts, ect) inherent to the breed that have negative side effects, less just congenital issues common in their bloodlines...
  6. R


    Hello! I'm Bones, feel free to call me Dog as well :) I don't own any rabbits, as pets or for farming, actually. Only have my lovely chihuahua-mix dog, as far as animals go. But, I've been getting into/researching rabbit genetics! And well-fare/different breeds/ect. This research is for my own...