Returned from 2018 Convention... Barely

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Aug 18, 2016
Reaction score
Amherstburg, Ontario
Hey all
Long time since I was here last...
Thought I would send an update.

I went to my first ARBA convention this year.
"It was the best of times; it was the worst of times....."

I drove 15hours with my van and my little 15ft camper.
On the way there we experienced some vehicle issues.... and when we got there the camper tire was giving us some issues ... I promptly decided to deal with it come Monday.... (it was midnight Thursday night and I wanted to enjoy the reason I drove all that way)

....The convention was awesome! Met some great people and decided to obtain my first trio of Czech Frosties!! (At the exhibition showing; It turned out the Jr Buck I purchased was BOB!!)
A Sr Buck I raised won Best Sr Buck (Magpie Harlequin) and my Jr Buck did very well too!!

Monday rolled around and I tried dealing with the Tire on the RV!!... I won't go into the gory details, but my options were replace the axel or scrap it.... the cost of replacing the axel (IF one could be found in 2 days to fit my little camper) was going to START at what I paid for the camper.... so needless to say, after some tears and hair pulling; I called a wrecker company to come and get the camper on the last day :(

It was a very difficult decision and I am still fighting with grief over it.
I can't wait until next year in reno... although I will likely be flying in and paying someone else to drive my bunnies.... My DH will be attending shows like this with me going forward as the excitement with him so far away was a little much for both of us to handle!!! <3

So, the van is going in for Rear Diff work this week and after I get caught up with the bills and Christmas, I will be on the hunt for a new RV TT under 3,000lbs that my van can pull.
Wow, that sounds like an incredible ordeal, Tricia. I'm so sorry that you had such trouble with the camper, but congratulations on your Convention wins! I was so overwhelmingly happy going to the ARBA National Convention when it was in California last time... I hope you had just as much fun! :p

I also hope the holidays are kind, and you come out of the season with a lovely camper to replace the one you had to leave behind. :oops:

And congrats on the new breed in your barn... mind posting some photos of the Frosties after they've had time to settle in? :D
Thank you
Yes Photos are coming.... I just have been so busy with working to get the cash flow.... flowing... lol
I think they are just beautiful rabbits!!
The does were both SRs so I got permission to breed them both to a different buck before we left convention! So, Nov 30th I have my fingers crossed for two healthy happy litters!!
My Jr Buck will be of age to breed when these litters are weaned.... I have my fingers crossed on being able to get at least one (hopefully more) good looking bucks to use in my breeding going forward.

I am already searching and my rabbit group is also keeping their eyes open for me :)
I feel very blessed to have gotten there safe, had a place to stay and got home safe.... it is just money after all and the treasures in my life (family and friends) are still the important things... (AND I learned a valuable lesson or two)
SarniaTricia":evey8ke8 said:
I am already searching and my rabbit group is also keeping their eyes open for me :)
I feel very blessed to have gotten there safe, had a place to stay and got home safe.... it is just money after all and the treasures in my life (family and friends) are still the important things... (AND I learned a valuable lesson or two)
Very well said! :)

I imagine with that positive outlook good things will come to you in time, then. :gold-star:

And good luck with the bred does, I hope you have two very successful litters with a couple cute bucks each, so you have some good options when it comes to deciding who stays. :D
Nymphadora":3s989ob8 said:
And good luck with the bred does, I hope you have two very successful litters with a couple cute bucks each, so you have some good options when it comes to deciding who stays. :D

I am hoping to gift a young buck (or doe) back to the breeder who was kind enough to let me use her buck at convention.

Fingers crossed.... I have brand new nest boxes that those two does were given this morning... (I know its a bit early, but I want them used to them and comfortable, well before the due date 30th.... they hang on the outside of the cage and I think they might be a bit of an adjustment for the girls) <br /><br /> __________ Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:56 am __________ <br /><br />
MaggieJ":3s989ob8 said:
Nymph said it all much better than I could. So glad you are safely home with the new buns, Tricia, and that you managed to enjoy the convention in spite of all the hassles.

Thank you Maggie
I am very good at compartmentalizing.... so was able to put the issues to the side for two full days and enjoy myself! ... I did cram a lot of stress into that Monday, but..... Like was said, I got there safe, got home safe and life is about the adventure!! :D