rat proofing rabbit cages

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
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near London, Ontario
how does one go about rat proofing rabbit cages?

asking for a rabbit breeder friend, has a barn, lots of cats and free range chickens. Doing rat bait is not something she's keen on doing.

SO...how can she rat proof her rabbit cages?
If I'm not mistaken, the only way to rat-proof cages is to build them entirely of 1" x 1/2" wire, and to completely rat-proof, you add a second floor an inch or two below the floor, so they can't pull toes and baby legs through.<br /><br />__________ Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:45 am __________<br /><br />Maybe she can do the "killer cupcakes" recipe?
My answer went into cyberspace as Miss M replied--

anyway, yes, 1/2 x 1 wire all around, climb-proof supports- no wood, Chains, cement, or rough metal. There is a way to 'baffle' a building, so outdoor digging/tunneling pests cannot get in.

The double floor idea sounds great--rats, minks, raccoons etc will eat their dinners through the wire, so a 'dead' space provides extra protection
Trap them. Use the squirrel live traps or those large, black reusable snap traps. Put the snap traps in narrow spaces or under overturned kiddy pools that has a hole in one side.
Use peanut butter and rabbit/chicken food, since I'm guessing that's what the rats are there for.
We had those nasty rats at our old place! I hate 'em. I don't recommend poisons either b/c of risk to other animals. The darn things are so smart they quickly learned to avoid the snap traps and squiirel traps! The "multible catch rat traps" work better b/c as some rats get in and are eating its encouraging for those still outside the trap. Hope this helps.
after having pet rats...if they want somewhere they will get in if they can fit.

adult rats are pretty big for cats...but maybe feed them less? my grandpa had rats and mice and would sick the jack russel on them around the chicken shed, but ive seen some big ones hes trapped then disposed of.

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