Rascal-- Is he a SEAL Point?

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Frosted Rabbits

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
Rascal's coloring has really changed-- his black/ grey, now looks more like the brown on a Seal Point Siamese cat. It is also very light, not a rich color at all. So, should I call him a Seal Pointed Mutt? I figure he is most probably a NZ/CAL- a common mix here with the Amish kids all doing their thing!
Red eyes means he's Californian marked for sure.
Point colour varies due to genetics and temperature, as well as if they're starting to moult or have a bit of a sun burn a black point can become more sepia coloured. As well as it's possible to have a chocolate Californian.
Have never seen a chocolate Cal-- but heck-- why not?So I acidently got something a bit different when I went into Tractor Supply that day