New 12 Step Program--

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Frosted Rabbits

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
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Given the recent flush of new members here, who definitely are developing cases of Rabbitosis- It is probably time to establish a "Rabbit Addicts Anonymous" on this forum--

So, any time two or more of us are here at the same time, a 'meeting' is occurring.

BUT-- due to the benign nature of our 'disease' (after all, who does it really hurt to have rabbits?) emphasis will be on making sure we have the facilities and financial wherewithal to accommodate our ever increasing desire for more rabbits.

we are a 12 step program that works in reverse!!!
Hello, my name is MamaSheepdog.

I knew I suffered from Raging Rabbitosis, and I accepted that.

I felt superior to others that were suffering from other aspects of the disorder. :|

My sinful pride was my downfall... :cry:

I became infected with LionHead Lustosis.

Which led to Rabbitosis Aquireosis.

I apologize to all for my uncharitable attitude of the past.

Please accept my gift of a LionHead kit as reparation. :twisted:
Hello, well the Sky is the limit (really the ceiling of the barn is the limit) for me, so you see where I'm going here...
Hello, my name is Miss M... and I'm about to move to the country and build a new rabbitry.

I'm having expansion hallucinations.

Is there any hope?
Hello my name is Bill and I don't have a rabbit problem.

I do not randomly pick up a bunny because it's cute.

I can resist any ........Oooooohhhhhhh! Look! A cute fuzzy bunny!
I am Lindsey and I am in the late stages of Raging Rabbitosis. There is no cure in site as I am soon moving to a house with a huge shed that I do not have enough rabbits to fill. I promised my fiance that the two I got yesterday were the last ones until some were born here. We will see!
Miss M":2dtmuyzd said:
I'm having expansion hallucinations.

Is there any hope?

Of course there is hope, Miss M!

We create our own reality with our imaginings.

Soon, very soon, your hallucinations will attain a solid form. :popcorn:
My secret ambition is to marry a farmer. I think that would take care of the Rabbitosis.
Hello my name is 6RiversFarms. I realized I had a problem when I moved my morning coffee drinking from inside or on the porch to the lawn chair in the rabbit barn. I realized that the problem was developing into a full blown addiction when I would leave the house to do chores and find myself standing in the rabbit barn admiring the rabbits instead of taking care of what needed attending to. At this point I have no desire to be cured of my addicition.
My name is MaggieJ and I do not, repeat, DO NOT suffer from any form of Rabbitosis.

Of course, they tell me I am in denial, repressing natural urges and am restrained from acquiring rabbits only through the unflagging efforts of Marilla, Queen of All Moggies.

How will this end?

Popcorn, anyone? :popcorn:
hello :) i'm ohiogoatgirl. i am a goat addict and newly a rabbit addict as well. i seem to have a hobby of collecting animal addictions and collecting hobbies.
i love all breeds but seem to be naturally immune to "lionhead lustosis" somehow. after having a trio and now tryin to sell them.
i got my first symptoms over a year ago when i began thinking on meat rabbits, reading all i could find on rabbits, and joinin this forum and exploring the rabbity areas of several other forums.
i got my first rabbits in february and currently have 23 rabbits of various ages. hopefully i can sell 11 of those today... and get some san juans and NZ or calis :) hahaha...

i have no wish to be cured. i am wonderfully happy with my addictions and so are my buns and goats.
other addictions that i am coming down with include: scottish highland cows, icelandic sheep, babydoll sheep, boer goats, coturnix quail,.... :D
I'm Ny and I think my mum has it worse than me. For a few years, I've had anywhere from 1 to 3 bunnies, and it was practically overnight that she's gotten me to buy 17 rabbits. How it happened, I'm not sure. She's always had a thing for pedigrees and purebreds, so we had to get some pricey New Zs on top of our cheap Calis. She wants to breed for show now. I shouldn't have convinced her to check out the rabbit show! haha
I am 3mina & my Rabbitosis resurfaced again last year when I acquired three standard Rex. A buck, a senior bred doe & a junior doe. I kept the senior does litter since I thought they were all does. Then the SCFairy struck and I ended up with four does and three bucks & since I managed to make sure there was a buck in each growing cage, well we all know where that leads...
Unfortunately, I didn't catch the SCFairy soon enough and I ended up with only one litter surviving (6) that is destined for freezer camp.

That brings us to this spring... I'm looking very hard at rebuilding my rabbit shed completely. It needs a major roof repair and since I'm doing that I may as well rebuild the walls and put in a good door and some windows.
MaggieJ":328rpz9i said:
Popcorn, anyone? :popcorn:

Why, yes please, Maggie!

I'll take mine with butter and sea salt.

I am looking forward to the day your denial goes into remission. :popcorn:
Hello, my name is AnnClaire and I suffer from all forms of rabbit habits ... I won't let the does raise their babies all by themselves and most of what I think about during the day is how to accessorize the runout pens and watching bunnies of all ages run, play, eat, sleep, dig, drink, and do binkies :D

When I am not thinking about accessorizing the pens, I am working on making the plans for the new cages, or I am picking greens in the garden for them ... I also only have 1 package of rabbit loins in the freezer because I keep selling the meat rabbits as pets :D
My name is Rustina.
I promised myself that this time I would drive far away :pickuptruck: to aquire my foundation stock, to assure good strong bloodlines, accepting no "inferior" genetics. :zombiebun:
My so called "friend" just gave me a mixed doe, whom I took because she is a great mommy. :happy:

no, no I'm NOT proud of myself..... :weep:
Rustina":3p7l3kn2 said:
My name is Rustina.
I promised myself that this time I would drive far away :pickuptruck: to aquire my foundation stock, to assure good strong bloodlines, accepting no "inferior" genetics. :zombiebun:
My so called "friend" just gave me a mixed doe, whom I took because she is a great mommy. :happy:

no, no I'm NOT proud of myself..... :weep:

Folks, we definitely have a serious case here-- let's all say a prayer for Rustina so that the realization that 'mutts' are just as necessary as rabbits with 'strong' bloodlines/genetics in our being enabled and developing our addictions..
Rustina, I have a mixed breed doe-- she too, is a wonderful mother,as well as a VC, but I have no idea how old she is-- at least 6!!!
I don't suffer from ribbitosis. I enjoy every minute of it.

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