Kicking myself hard

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
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near London, Ontario
because I stupidly left the tarp up on a night the temps dropped well below freezing.
I have a bunch a youngsters with mucoid enteropathy. High temps combined with rapid drop in temperature, not a good thing when followed up by lots of wind. Stupid, stupid stupid.

I've done everything that has worked in the past.
Hopeful to save one, but not counting my chickens yet - as the one I was most hopeful for I culled tonight due to excessive teeth grinding and a belly as hard as rock from gas build up.

They are eating - oats, greens and a bit of hay, my hay isn't great but tomorrow I'm getting better stuff.
They are drinking, about 2/3's of normal amount.
They are simply NOT pooping.

I am kicking myself very hard and feeling none to happy with myself.
yes I know...huge learning curve this week in reminders not to think spring in March!

Can you tell yet how very stupid I am?<br /><br />__________ Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:48 am __________<br /><br />i've got two drinking pineapple juice....and all three willingly took their gas x this morning. Is there hope I wonder?????
{{{{{ladysown}}}}} Don't be too hard on yourself! This weather can fool the best of us sometimes. It sounds as though you're doing everything you can to fix it. I hope it all works out well for you. How many kits were there to start with?
Quit kicking yourself, Ladysown... You are doing all you can for them and the fact that they will take the gas-x is encouraging. It will at least make them more comfortable. I'm sorry you and your buns are having to go through this.
started with six, down to three. the killer is that I sold my breeder does and these are all my promising young does (plus two young bucks that didn't like being alone) that were going to replace them. had them all in one cage, near the door but up high, thought they would be fine in that spot. I'm down the two young bucks and one doe. Left with one stubborn doe that won't take anything from me - gas x was a fight but I managed, and two youngsters that will take extra fluids. Two harles and one tricolour left. ARGH!!!!! I hate this. Don't like sick bunnies and when it's my own fault it's even worse.
well...after a day of pushing extra fluids (they have been drinking) of pineapple juice and sulmet with electrolytes in it plus gas drops every four - six hours, ONE of the bunnies is now having waste...liquid, but I'll take liquid over nothing.

I've also been very carefully massaging tummies. ONE has a hard lump within, the others are just a bit on the gassy side but better than they were this morning.
went through that myself. the hard knot you feel is where they are blocked. i am loosing does to gas build up. thinking hairballs after kindling, so trying cod liver oil on one tonight to try and get things moving. the alternative is a painful death for her, so gas drops, pineapple juice and cod liver oil. wish us luck