bit of a frustration and pondering....

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
came home after a day away with family.

returned to four cage doors open.
two I could have made a serious error in judgement and left open.
but four??????
and two of them were rabbits that I did nothing with directly before I left.

1. kendra and her litter...all absconded but herself! I had taken one with me, had one leave home already, so I caught two of them. The smart one is still on the loose.
2. batch of mini rex kits... they moved not at all (go figure as they are very curious doobies) Mind...I have to double check that they are all there... I won't be certain until I do a complete head count.
3. polish...woot woot...none left their accommodations!!!! Could you imagine trying to catch a TINY speed-bullet that is grey IN THE DARK?!?!?!?!
4. Friend Bounce who unexpectedly gave birth eight days late to one fully furred eyes open kit. (DOA). Now I'm left wondering if she "took" from being bred back at day five.

So I"m a bit flummoxed.
But glad that the loose one is a buck, hopeful to catch the wee beastie at some point, but overall I"m just flummoxed.
Do you think someone was in there messing with the cages?

I'm glad most of the buns had the sense to sit tight... On the very few occasions that I have left a cage unlatched they've stayed put. It's home, after all.

Hope you catch that buck... and that this doesn't happen again.
Its a good thing you didn't have any dogs or cats there thinking it was a nice time for a snack. :icecream:
I know that if my cage door was left open my rabbit would not make it long, our dogs and cats are really good hunters.
I hope you find out how the cage doors were left open, and also that you catch your escapey wascaly wabbit.
i caught him, I caught him! :)\

still flummoxed, but I CAUGHT HIM!!!!

I"m really really really glad I did buy that small live trap! :)

Though it was funny. I set it up, he hopped on top and set it off. Never before have I seen a little bunny jump so high! Set it up again, and baited it with oats and BOSS. Ah...the joy of a live trap, a hungry bunny and one long cardboard box to encourage going forward just enough.... :)

YEAH!!!!! :)
YAY!! Glad you caught him.

Do you have any neighbor kids who come around to see the bunnies? I could see a couple of kids coming in to play with them and then little Mr. Buck gets away and the kids freak out and run off.....