How do you freeze pelts?

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. to which way is better...that I'm not sure of. I've been told to fold fur in so that's what I did.

I kept them until I realized I simply can't do anything with them here in town. So I garbaged them.
The ones I had stored (about 2 years worth) were not freezer burnt when stored in ziploc freezer bags.
Thanks, it's bothered me to throw out all those furs and I'm considering freezing some until I can work on them. It would be a great winter project when I'm slow at work and I can find some alum.

They might all end up in the garbage at somw point but I might as well try.
We froze the first batch of pelts the way I learned to do racoon pelts from a guy who hunted way back when fur was SALEABLE <sigh>

We turned the hides inside out, and I laid them flat in the freezer inside large gallon sized ziplocks. I sucked out as much air as I could before sealing the bags. The people I learned the method from actually used newspaper between the pelts, and put them in a garbage bag (didn't have ziplocks back in the stone age)

I know some roll up pelts, but the inner part won't thaw as quickly as the outer (since fur is an insulator) and you can end up with strange things happening.

Be sure it's a DRY as possible before freezing, too.
We turned the hides inside out,and I laid them flat in the freezer inside large gallon sized ziplocks.Skinned fur must be sold immediately or quick-frozen.Skins may be sold fresh,frozen or salted,with NO heads or legs.By law,we can not buy deer hides with head or legs.
They come off the rabbit inside out so I just leave them that way. Scrape off the extra fat and connective tissue and make sure they are clean then place them still whole and inside out in ziplock bags.

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