Harlequin color genetics outcome?

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Jul 15, 2013
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Time to pick some brains!

I admittedly have little experience with the ej gene, but have a tiny side project going of trying to get Cchd/ej (Magpie) FA’s. This is my second and more streamlined attempt, as my first attempt was on generation 3 and while I had the color down, it would have taken me 4 generations to get back to a french type coat with decent texture.

My current F1 generation has two Magpie bucks, either can be bred back to the Mom (CChl Ermine FA). However, I wanted cchd magpies, and one is definitely cchl. He is the better pattterned of the two bucks, with nice striping, and a good center line, even if his stripes are a little muddy. The cchd buck is the genetics I want, by his pattern is terrible. No banding, barring, and no split or definition of anything. What are the odds of getting decent patterned kits from him? I don’t want to use the cchl buck but if the pattern is too muddy to tell they’re ej’s what’s the point in trying?

Opinions? TIA.
I was going to suggest the rabbit has the best colour saturation...... but then I realized you are breeding away from the Harlequin.... I know I saw a breeder that ended up with 2 wooly Harlequins recently ... so, I'm not sure you will have much trouble adding the Angora back to your new line....

I personally wanted a shorter furred Harlequin and I've started a separate line with REX.... I think the shorter fur shows the markings better.... :)

So, In answer to your question.... best marked to best marked (unless there is signs of shading... then cull)