Help with new color

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Nov 13, 2016
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Alberta, Canada
Hey guys, sorry to be a pest.

One of my new kits is a brand new color for me. I was hoping I could confirm a hunch. Looking at this kit, I'm thinking s/he *might* be a blue-agouti color... but I'm not quite sure.

Would anyone care to either confirm or correct this hunch as necessary? If this kit REALLY is blue-based, I am going to need to have a talking to with my main herd buck - 31 total kits before this, and NOT ONE that was blue (for clarification, the dam of those kits is a blue otter... so 50% chance. What kind of dice was he rolling?!

Jet-Kit 2.jpg

Anyhow, colour thoughts?

I have a "collage" with the kit's day one and belly photo here.
Looks fox to me, aka torted otter. They're neat little things! :p
Well, that makes more sense than 31 kits with a blue doe and this being his first blue offspring I guess... :)

I guess I am most surprised at how the torting changed the base color at this age- it looks almost silver right now.

Can't wait to see how this one grows up!

Also I may be in love with the non-extension genes. The sallander and frosties I got in my last litter were fantastic, as we're my surprise harlequin/magpie kits in the second time. I know my buck carries agouti under his REW, so I am still waiting for a red kit to show up someday!

__________ Mon Sep 25, 2017 6:19 pm __________

I wanted to pop in and thank everyone who helped out with this kit earlier.

The little rabbit in question is just over 5 weeks old, and was nicknamed "Fox Mulder" by my husband. Currently second largest in the litter (trailing behind Biggie Smalls), and suspected to be a Doe. Also happens to be really friendly... :) I will most likely be culling down my herd to free up cage space for a new breed (Hoping to import angoras in early November - flights to the US booked and everything, so I have to free up some cages by the time my quarantine ends in early to mid December), but I might stick this kit in one of my grow out cages and keep her around for a bit, as insurance. :)

For reference sake, s/he grew up to look like this:

Fox Mulder.png

Foz Mulder 2.png

And every single one of her six siblings are REW... *sigh* No BEW or reds to be seen. Genetics really are a dice-roll. This one was a bit of a critical fail where colour was concerned.

---------------------------- Oct 23, 2017-----
At 9 weeks, she seems to be growing a little face-mask. I'm holding on to her for a bit, because she's just so darn friendly, and also out of the top 3 in her litter, she had the nicest type.
