I must be insane!

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Well-known member
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Cumbria, UK
Found free Mini Rex on CL so went and got 9 rabbits I need like a hole in the head. OMG they are class beasties though, make the ones we bought look like proper rubbish. :lol:

Now, how to make 9 rabbits comfortable with only 2 spare cages? Magic, I guess!
Yep, magic math indeed. Made two cages, one double sided carry cage and one small dog crate stretch to fit all nine. There may be kits in 4 weeks but then again, what is the point without breeding eh?

They are class though, mmmmmmmmmm nice!

Wonder how standard mix with mini? 8 are mini but one big girl - blue otter - is now the odd one out. <br /><br /> __________ Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:36 pm __________ <br /><br /> And dont worry, I am almost able to post pictures! Well, to my blog anyway so once I get that done I will link it. At least that way y'all can see them.

Did I mention they are nice? :D
GBov":opu0n55h said:
__________ Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:36 pm __________

And dont worry, I am almost able to post pictures! Well, to my blog anyway so once I get that done I will link it. At least that way y'all can see them.

Did I mention they are nice? :D
I love rabbit math. It make us all lose control once in awhile. :p

You have my email if you need help with the pictures GBov. ;)
I checked on them this morning and yep, they are the prize in the cracker jack box! :D

Will get pictures of them as soon as they are in proper cages, its a bit embarrassing right now, they seem comfortable enough in their odds and ends made up carriers but am picking up some borrowed cages this afternoon.

Am going to offer the two spare bucks - yeh, the bounty was mostly DOES!!! :shock: - to our old 4H group (from whom I am borrowing cages) to see if any of the kids would like to show them. The giverawayer breeds for show so the kids might like them.
No pictures yet, today I have built a shed-ish cover for the cages, have hung three of the cages, have to divide one of the cages and hang three more. Then the buns can move in.

Funny thing is, while I have borrowed these cages, turns out I made most of them! :lol:

Picks to follow! <br /><br /> __________ Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:05 pm __________ <br /><br /> Why is NOTHING the same on the internet? One way to post pictures works in one place but not anywhere else! :evil:

I havn't hit the mat this time yet Homer but its lovely to have a fall back plan. Its just so frustrating that it wont work for me!!! :eek:verreaction:
I broke down and sent the pictures to Homer (You are a star!) so hopefully y'all will be able to see them soon. They are mostly melted in the heat :lol: and I had to hand blankets and things for evening shade in front of the shed thing I built so it now looks like a line of washing hung out to dry! :lol:
Couldn't sleep and found GBov's pictures so the wait is over gang! :p She'll have to tell you what's-what as there was no descriptions with them. ;)




Laundry day? :D

more in the next post.

__________ Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:14 am __________

Round two!

Sorry, I'm posting these backwards from what she sent me. Seems M/C has a 5 picture limit on attachments.






Her cages are up next. <br /><br /> __________ Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:19 am __________ <br /><br /> Housing all set up. You know, where she hangs the laundry out to dry. :pokeeye:



Good job GBov!
THANK YOU SO MUCH HOMER!!! I dont even mind being poked with a stick about the laundry, it doesnt half look silly! :lol:

Shant mind it as it works but while it keeps the buns from the sun I gives stick ants extra chances to get on me. Rrrrrrrr I hate those stinging ladies! :evil:

Right, in order, from the top down is Buck, Doe, Doe, Buck, Laundry day, Buck, its very young so no idea but as its a true black and sweet a pie, it gets a keeper pass, Doe bred to a buck we didnt see so I cant wait to see what she gives us, Standard Rex Doe and the last one is a solid stress ball doe, hasnt relaxed one jot yet as you can see from her eyes and ears.

The three bucks are headed to 4H which will leave us in the buck column with one senior buck, one very junior buck and Black Spot who will most likely be a buck. Looks like a buck and the sex change fairy seldom goes in for girls. :lol:

And doe column has 9 senior does and one junior doe.

Just about perfect, I think!

Should have a proper population explosion soon, 7 of the does are bred for this month, starting in a week. :popcorn:
What a great looking bunch! As a rule I don't like the look of REW bunnies, but paired with that rex coat they always look so striking! Like the softest cottonball... :love:
I wish I felt better, I have to make SEVEN nest boxes! Day 28s start tomorrow! AAAAARGH so much to DOOOOOO!!!!
GBov":35lltmjl said:
I wish I felt better, I have to make SEVEN nest boxes! Day 28s start tomorrow! AAAAARGH so much to DOOOOOO!!!!

Something tells me nest boxes are just the beginning of your to-do list. :eek: Next you be building three times the hutches than you have now for all the little ones.