Does she have mastestitis?

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2015
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South TX
I have a Doe who gave birth about a week ago. She was a few days late and her kits came out with a little fur coming in already. She's a first timer, and they have always had ripples on them, but things have seemed ok and I counted them every other day or so. I went to replace the bedding today and I realized that they were all peed on! I pulled them out and brought them in, and cleaned them up with a dry towel. Then I brought momma in to do an assisted feeding, and noticed her teats were lumpy. Is this masteitis or just a clogged duct? They fed on her (she did allow it, not sure how much they got-there are 7 so they aren't as plump as a smaller litter would be.....and I also have them a feeding from another mom. Should I look at fostering? She built a great nest and isn't doing bad for a first time mom, and acting normal otherwise....
When my doe had mastitis the area was very swollen and hot. It was unmistakable, So I'm thinking, if you are still guessing, it's probably not mastitis yet. You could be seeing some engorgement from the kits taking milk somewhere else though.
My doe has had this with her now 2 week old kits, starting a week ago. She isn't swollen or hot, so that isn't mastitis. But, if they are lumpy, it could turn into that if it continues. If your doe doesn't improve or seems to get lumpier, you could try helping.

I started out by massaging my doe's teats with a warm bean-bag thing. Then I fed the kits on the affected teats. She seemed to get better, but I think mine is producing too much milk, so it keeps happening, and if left she gets really lumpy. So now I feed her mint when the lumps get big, and the next day they are gone. Don't feed it too much though or she could dry up.

Ugh, realized I did it yet again. This is getting ridiculous. This is LittleFluffyBunnies on the wrong account.
A couple of the kits were skinny, but they are a week old now so I know they have been getting somthing. Thats what I think now too, just that at this point shes full. I squeezed her teats and milk was coming out easily, so I know the babies can get to it and there is plenty. I just wonder if shes staying with them long enough to get emptied out, or if shes just THAT good of a producer. I will look at getting some mint. Thanks RT Freinds! This is my first time dealing with this...