Sexing and Dwarfism genetics...

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Frosted Rabbits

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
I have a question about sexing the breeds that carry dwarfism genetics- especially the MR-- so Phil-- hop on in...

So far, the only young rabbits that I have had an issue with sexing are those that may carry dwarf genetics.
What happens is this-- with the regular breeds- youngsters either show a 'taco' or a 'hot dog'-- but with some of the MR and Dutch I have looked at, I get a round protrusion, but no 'hot dog' At this time, I have three buns separated because their sexes are "UKN" I cannot be sure of their ages, as they were sale bunnies--but they are larger than smaller animals of the same breed that I had no trouble sexing.

Is the lack of definition due to: the effects of dwarf genes, breeding/bloodlines, or just 'one of those things'?
In Mini Rex bucks are always round like a doughnut. The does have more of a slit and as they get older look more like a triangular protrusion. I hope it helps, because it really is hard to explain.
Don't mean to get off subject, but is a Mini Rex a dwarf breed? I mean, I know they are small, but I thought dwarf breeds were those with the large head (Netherlands, Hollands, Jerseys, Lionheads, etc).
MRs do carry dwarf genetics-- A double dose of dwarf genes results in a 'peanut' being born.(dead, malformed) Phil informed me that LONG ears on a MR indicate a lack of dwarf genes (though the ear length is a DQ for show purposes.)
The problem with my UKNowns is that I get a round protrusionthat does not produce a penis from the sheath, nor does it elongate into the triangular slit of a vulva. I don't want to irritate the buns by being real harsh during the sexing checks. Once i haa definite KNOWN-- that's it-- I know better what the rabbit will be destined for.