Papaya and Pineapple For Wool Block

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Has some unnecessary ingredients, but it was the only one that someone said (in the comments on amazon) their rabbits would eat. (Plus it is pretty inexpensive.)

Ingredients: Dextrose, Sugar, Stearic Acid, Papain, Talc, Papaya Fruit, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Bromelain, FD&C Yellow #6 Aluminum Lake, alpha-Amylase" "No Gluten, No Soy, No Preservatives"

Anyone recommend a better one? :) More natural? <br /><br /> __________ Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:44 pm __________ <br /><br /> What do you guys use? :)
I use the Spring Valley brand of tablets. I think it's cheaper and easier to use than the dehydrated pineapple.

I give them to my bucks as treats. Four or six tablets in the top of their food bowl. Usually about every other week. They gobble them up - I think they love the sugar. (I haven't tried one yet but I imagine they're sweet.)

My buck pens are only 24 x 30 x 24 high. While they have plenty of room to move around and stretch, the only exercise they get is chasing does around whenever they have a date. I haven't had any problems with GI Stasis. Strings of turds aren't as common with the bucks as they are with the does.

My doe pens are 24 x 48 x 24 high with a shelf on one end. 10 sq ft to move around - they regularly have strings of poop so it's clear that things are working out on their own. If I have a concern, I usually give a doe the dehydrated pineapple. (The baby wire keeps the small pieces from falling out the side onto the floor - the main reason I give the bucks the tablets instead.)
Galadriel had a brilliant idea: freeze the sliced-off pineapple skins for bunnies who drastically reduce their eating. You could do this with the core, too. Some places wax pineapples, so I guess you wouldn't want to feed those.

This has gone over very well, and has encouraged several bunnies who weren't eating much to start back up again.