Literally saved herself

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
Aggie...on a definitive strike three. NOT been acting preggers. Due date came...went...

Tonight I have a couple bunnies to butcher, thought I'd do her up too. Go out to do chores and what do I find... FOUR squiggly kits in the box. Looking good.

Had a fifth that was just odd looking and dead.

BUT she literally was saved by the bell....

Time to tell if she'll care for them - as she pulled a modicum of fur - I added from my stash. If they don't look great tomorrow I'll foster them to a different doe and she'll be done. But so good.... :)
sounds like one of my does, she saved herself on strike three this last litter. Had one on the wire and I was not sure she was going to have more so while I was warming the solo kit up I pulled a bunch of hair from her thinking great, the last two litters died because of her neglect now this one. The solo kit did end up dying, but the next day that she was doing to be doggie dinner she had five fat & healthy kits in a lovely nest. Maybe my threats or manually pulling hair triggered some kind of mothering instinct in her....who knows.
Thus far she's on close watch. Kits had no fur on them this morning, and one was looking thin.
Will see how she does by this afternoon.

ARGH!!! I want this doe to do well...but don't want to have to fuss with her either