Easter Bunny rental for pics

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Dec 26, 2009
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near London, Ontario
Near London, Ontario. I tend to get $20/bunny for Easter pics. What do other folks get?

I didn't ask that, that's what I've been offered with the explanation...children are unpredictable, so what would you normally charge for a bunny? For the ones being used, I said $20.

Made sense when I talked with the two ladies about it. They each said "I won't let anything happen but if something odd happens to the bunny I don't want you losing out on a sale later". "Because sometimes strange things happen."

One was a professional photographer, the other was a mom just wanting bunny pics with her children.
That sounds like a good arrangement, price wise. Consider that the 'photographer', if charging for the pics, will be making a decent sized profit, after printing and 'framing' the pic with card stock. ( the pony photo thing I work with-- the 'ride' profit is about 2 dollars a pic, the individual pony photo(separate arena) was 6 dollars a pic.
DevonW":32khsen4 said:
You are one brave lady.

There is no way I'd ever rent out a bunny ever.

Would you care to elaborate on your reasons for saying this, Devon? Surely it would depend on the circumstances?

I would think that renting a bunny out for a day under the full supervision of a caring adult would be a lot less of a risk to it than placing it in a pet home with small children, where supervision can never be complete, no matter what precautions one takes.

I know Ladysown has strong ethics concerning her rabbits and I would trust her to choose her rent-a-bunny prospects with care.
Call me paranoid.
Although all my rabbits are loved pets are are very laid back and friendly, they are still show rabbits and I have a lot of time in money invested in them. Unless I went along with the rabbit or they came here for pictures, I have huge problems letting them leave my supervision. There are way to many circumstances that could happen. From being in a stressful situation that's unintentional, to something like a car crash.

I'm the worst person you could vacation with, every five minutes I'm worrying about whether the rabbits are alright, and long distance calls are killer.
oh I am careful.

NO overnight stays unless it's with someone who is animal savvy.
NO stays longer than 4 hours for a photo session.
and only with people I know.

AND I don't send my very best animals.
I send "cute, and non-stressy" types. (aka meat rabbit babies work really well because they stay put).
Strangers...come here, I'll set up a place in the backyard and leave you to it. :) Parks work too.
neat idea ... I haven't ever been asked but I have provided animals and wrangling for some tv shows - it's lots of fun and raised some decent money (especially American shows) for the rescue I work with.

I think you'd have to factor in the pita factor - my rabbits would lneed a really good grooming for example - seems liek $20 might be agood rate ...
I'd have trouble doing it without being present too - or at least checking out the studio space -
but this is from the person who does reference checks before placing an animal ;)

I would also want to factor in the rabbit's personality - Niobe and Puff Daddy would love it - Joy would be an emotional wreck - she quite obviously sat in a rabbitry most of her life - a new bag scares her at first!
:lol: I knew I could get laughing if I just read long enough....bags :-o

I love the response of Devon. We never vacation for just those reasons. Who in the heck can remember which of the 200 gates are sposed to be closed or open? Only someone who does it every day. I think it's terrifically risky unless the people know rabbits. And that is so very true about the individual personalities being a factor.
Do you get stress wages as well as the bunny fee?
I was talking to my hubby about this and he said thats a great idea but whos liable when the bunny nips a kid or scratches them. You do have the over protective mom who sues anything that moves.

So I thought this Easter Bunny idea was a great way to make a little money, so I put an add up on Greigs list. A few hours later I got a respone from a guy saying he was very interested. I emailed him back and informed him that when it got closer to Easter I would let him know what rabbits he could rent for the day. well heres the odd thing.. he wrote me back and said he would pay me up front but didnt want me there when he took the photos. Im quite worried now! Has anyone else had a problem like this?

I don't believe that I would rent a rabbit out for pictures,
though I have in the past rented a rabbit to a magician.
It was back when we had Dwarf rabbits. I got a rental fee
and in the end the magician purchased the rabbit because
he worked so well in his show.
The magician was a rabbit owner previously but
his star had become too aged to be used in the show
and was retired. Sometimes you just have to have trust!
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:

I will have to check
a Thrianta looks JUST like the cadbury bunny (actually a red satin I think)

And my wife has Polish broken too, the only issue is the photographer needs to know how to handle them.

__________ Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:11 am __________

but I would be looking at putting them at/with professional photographers, sorry but, somedude taking my rabbit, sure, $20 a day and $50 deposit... for a cull
Even them uh, no
rabbit13":20j80r82 said:

So I thought this Easter Bunny idea was a great way to make a little money, so I put an add up on Greigs list. A few hours later I got a respone from a guy saying he was very interested. I emailed him back and informed him that when it got closer to Easter I would let him know what rabbits he could rent for the day. well heres the odd thing.. he wrote me back and said he would pay me up front but didnt want me there when he took the photos. Im quite worried now! Has anyone else had a problem like this?


Sarah, ask him point blank why he does not want you there. It sounds creepy on the surface, but might be as simple as he has had interference from a rabbit owner in the past while he is trying to work.

You could tell him that it is your policy to be present because not everyone is accustomed to working with rabbits and you wish to ensure that it is a good experience for all concerned. Rabbits have fragile spines and can be injured from poor handling.

If after talking further with him you still have a gut feeling all is not well, tell him no.

so I did what you all said and asked him point blank what he would be doing with the rabbit. This is what I wrote him
"I'm sorry but you made it sound a little suspicious as to what your intentions are with the photography of the rabbits. I understand someone stating they want privacy during, but it's just the way you said it. Hopefully you understand my only concern is the safety and welfare of my rabbits. So may I ask why I may not be there? "

And guess what the guy wrote back!!??

"What does it matter what I do with the rabbits? They will be perfectly safe you just can't be there when me and the girls take the pictures"

there are some crazy people out there
you just can't be there when me and the girls take the pictures"

I agree with Maggie,
Let the guy get his Bunnies elsewhere!
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Maybe he is a 'playboy' photographer
but then I would assume a professional, would act, um professional.

thats the bright side, so no........

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