Snorting noise

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Mar 6, 2012
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Okay, I fully admit to being "p-word paranoid" but I have a question anyway. Ever since I put my doe in the rabbitry, one of my bucks is going a bit crazy. They have an empty cage between them, but whenever he starts smelling her he gets all jumpy and makes this weird snorting sound. He'll get up on his back legs and snort in the air like he's trying really hard to smell her. It's not real loud or anything, but I've never heard anything like it! My other buck could care less about her. But the doe is on the top of a stack of cages and so is the other buck so I'm guessing he can just smell her better? Is this normal?? Any nose noises freak me out!!
Today I was giving my rabbits some BOSS. My Holland Lop Buck is in a cage above my unknown mixed buck. I was squatted down to put the seeds in the mixed buck cage and my Holland Lop was running around and standing up trying to get my attention. I could hear him making little grunt sounds. I hadn't noticed it before as usually when he is getting my attention I am standing above his cage. The 2 bucks cages are next to two does cages.
Just went out again. No snorting from Hershel the buck at all until I opened the doe"s cage. Then the snorting began. We bred them and he snorted through the whole thing. LOL!

Breeding question: Sorry to be gross, but after we bred them, I put the doe back in her cage and a large clump of the buck's "stuff" fell in to the tray. Should I rebreed in the morning?
The snorting sound... could it be described as maybe a honking sound? I wonder if it's the same noise my boy used to make.
I'd record it for you, but unfortunately the buck in question has since been sold. I describe it as a honking, because that's what it sounded like to me, it was a long noise, always punctuated by a foot stomp at the end. It was hilarious... until he kept doing it after lights out while I was trying to sleep!
LOL! He's doing a lot of foot stomping too. I wonder if he'll ever get used to does being in there. I hope so!! When we got him, we were looking at him on a grooming table that had previously had a doe on it. He sprayed my husband all over his shirt! It was hilarious! :rotfl: He is definitely the most "excitable" buck I've ever owned. LOL!