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Jan 1, 2012
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Near ottawa ontario
I had to make a different thread on this.... I have been using FLAX seed now for 6 weeks.. I feed every morning with the rolled oats in a separate dish... My god do i ever see a difference in my rabbits. I see a difference in there fur and over all feal.. Not to mention there alertness. Very active ,, I am impress... Young babies can tolerate it no problem.They come to the door looking for it and bright eyes.
ALso i have a mother on it that i am giving her double the dose than anyone else. The reason for that , She was very slim when i got her. Always looking for food. The person breed her 3 times in a row and couldnt get any live babies from her... So i bought her knowing the fact of her not giving births... So i did some research in started the flax seed. I started with her and then everyone else. along with other supplements. I breed her a week later . She had 4 live babies. and she is looking after them like any mother does. I kept checking to make sure her babies were fed and still alive. The is her 4th litter in a row. But her first litter with me. I can say she and I did it. I cslled the breeder and told this person. He/she had a hard believing me ... Everyone is getting a little more flax see now since it is getting cooler. I am impress what this stuff does... ....
No, it dosnt put on weight. That is the thing. It is over all important to the body in all ages of the rabbit. I am sure the older the rabbit more you should give it. I think it really helps the body in general. If she is pregnant i think she should have more than the others.
I think it helps to absorb all Nutrients from others foods like hay ect.
I just started off with a little pinch. .. Now i am up to about 1/4 of a teaspoon. I am watching for any loose poops or sticky poops ect. All good so far. I have enough rabbits and differnt ages to see if one effect there poops over the others. I know the sunshine supplement i have to be careful with the younger babies and not to give to much to some of the others as it give to much soft poops and sometimes to rich so they dont eat all there night poops... But with the flax seed i see none of that. And it dosnt put on weight on the rabbit. But i think it dose help put it on with other supplements...if that makes any sense at all.
I've been reading your Flax seed info with interest, and I am going to give it a try.
I know that horse people swear by flax. Many people grind it before feeding to make sure all of the nutrients are made available in the belief that the whole seeds can travel through the digestive tract without nutrient absorption, but that seems to be a myth. Once ground, flax meal goes rancid quickly, so it would have to be fed immediately for optimal benefit.

http://www.understanding-horse-nutritio ... -seed.html

Mary Ann's Rabbitry":2uolwpiq said:
I am watching for any loose poops or sticky poops ect.

The high oil content might cause diarrhea, but I would guess that the high fiber content balances that out.
The feed store near me sells 5 lbs bags of flax seeds and ground flax seed for $7.59 a bag. I add the whole seeds to my seed mixture as well, for the last few months.
I used to feed flax to my horses and did very well in Halter and showmanship classes. Maybe I'll give it a try as well. Can't hurt since I'm not getting any live litters these days.<br /><br />__________ Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:53 pm __________<br /><br />I just read elsewhere that it does help with wool block, increases fertility and productivity as well. I am going to put my woolys on it asap.
tm_bunnyloft":7f3xr5xh said:
I used to feed flax to my horses and did very well in Halter and showmanship classes. Maybe I'll give it a try as well. Can't hurt since I'm not getting any live litters these days.

__________ Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:53 pm __________

I just read elsewhere that it does help with wool block, increases fertility and productivity as well. I am going to put my woolys on it asap.

nice, I was just thinking what I would do about the wool block.
that is great guys. I noticed it with that doe i do have when the other breeder couldnt get any live babies. I know it isnt all from the flax , but some of it is. It also helps with bring in there milk... there is nothing bad about it so far as long you dont give to much. Everything in moderation. Dry does and buck give a pinch and pregnant does and working bucks and kits give more,.. You have to give everyday to see results.
If you give the flax seed, It is said to clean the food and such off the wool ball in the gut, due to its slippery water soluble makeup. And so with all the food cleaned off the hair ball, then when you feed Timothy (specifically timothy) hay it then pulls hair from the ball in smaller pieces to be passed. They say that alfalfa just sticks more to the hay ball so not to feed woolies alfalfa hay. I would think if you use it as a maintenance you would no longer have to worry about wool block in a wooly herd.

Here is a link to where I found the information.
tm_bunnyloft":o2nt5t01 said:
If you give the flax seed, It is said to clean the food and such off the wool ball in the gut, due to its slippery water soluble makeup. And so with all the food cleaned off the hair ball, then when you feed Timothy (specifically timothy) hay it then pulls hair from the ball in smaller pieces to be passed. They say that alfalfa just sticks more to the hay ball so not to feed woolies alfalfa hay. I would think if you use it as a maintenance you would no longer have to worry about wool block in a wooly herd.

Here is a link to where I found the information.

Now that might be problematic, since I can't get anything but alfalfa blend hay. At this point, I can barely get hay.

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