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So today I was out playing with my bunnies one by one and I got one of my here bucks out. I had noticed he had a weird patch in his coat but he does an awful job of grooming typically and gets large slobbery spots so I didn't think much of it. Well when I was grooming him I realized he had a huge gash (gash is a little dramatic but larger then a scratch) on his side. I'm completely bums founded irk how this happened! I looked around his entire cage and there were no wires sticking out or blood on anything. This nick name is stupid so I'm not surprised he managed something like this.... But how? His outdoor play pen is plastic and covered on all 4 sides. He is always alone except when he is breeding and I haven't bred him in 2 months. The only 2 things I can think of is 1. He cut it on the side of his square food dish so I replaced that with a round dish. Or 2. He burnt himself with his heat lamp. The lamp is a fair distance from his cage though.... What do you think?? And also how should I treat it? I read to use an iodine water solution and rinse it out well witch I did. I'll add some pictures to see if you think I should go to the vet and how I should treat. I don't have money for the vet so that is a last resort.