mini rex herd critique

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
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For those also on rabbitsonline this is the same post I did there. I just thought I'd also cover the opinions of people who don't frequent that forum.

This is my first attempt posing and the first time the younger ones have been posed so I apologize for some less than (by alot) perfect pics. I would be interested in comments about how to pose them better. The broken blue especially was really tense and would not pose on a smooth surface without letting her feet slide out so she was laying flat on her belly. Which is why I tried cardboard and then a blanket.

This is Aki a broken castor buck and Yukiko, a broken blue doe. Both 3months.





Amako a 6month old broken castor doe. She kept trying to go forward and ended up scrunched a little backward.



Twix a 1 year chocolate doe. Both chocolates were really sun bleached when I got them a month ago and are now molting.




Mocha a 2.5 year chocolate buck. With a little chocolate patch that is what I have brushed out so far. I think I got enough hair for another rabbit today and he's only about half brushed.


I'm not the MOST educated in proper mini rex.

but to me they all look a bit long in the shoulder.

other than that, they look okay to me. :)
The first two are the most promising. The rest are a bit low and also long in the shoulder, but the broken castor buck is not as much as the others.Your chocolate doe has got some good width but a little shy on height. She is better than the chocolate buck. He actually looks like a chocolate tort but I think its just the flash and him moulting lol. That broken blue doe is very nice, just a wee bit hippy in the overhead shot, but that may not be the case in real life if its the first time you posed, they all look like they are fighting you on posing lol! You did a good job with the posing, it may be easier if you use a carpet square under them, then they don't slide around or get lost in the blanket like the castor doe. :)
I'm not the most educated in Mini Rex either, but I'll try. :)

Strengths: Has good depth and probably the best hind quarters out of all of them.
Faults: A little narrow through the shoulders, a bit long in the shoulders.

Strengths: Good depth, good color
Faults: A bit long, a bit pinched in the hind quarters

Strengths: Really good depth, good color
Faults: Long, starts a bit late.

Strengths: I think that if this doe was posed on something a bit rougher like a towel, or a carpet square, so that she couldn't slip on, she would look nice. I like her color and head. Good hind quarters
Faults: A bit long.

It might just be the flash, he looks like he has satin fur and is a chocolate tort. He's also bit long and lacks depth.

I like alot of things about the first 2 rabbits. They both bring alot of strengths based upon their balanced appearance. If/when posed properly, they will probably be the best 2 IMHO. I really believe that in 3-4 months, Yukiko will fill out nicely and will command most of the attention on show tables, and she has excellent color. Aki is nicely proportioned through the loins, but it's hard to really gauge the side view based upon the way he is posed.

Like Sliver Star suggested, try finding a carpet square. Many flooring stores have old squares which they will part with for little or no money at all. You may even be able to get them at a Lowe's or Home Depot. Get a couple of them and be patient and persistent in working with them to pose properly. In little time, they'll get it and pose readily for you.

If I were looking at a rabbit of the bunch to use as a breeder for getting rid of thinned out shoulders, I'd look at Mocha for it. His shoulders are wider, although his loins aren't quite as filled in as you might like to see.

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