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  1. bikegurl

    Why do my kits keep dying?

    Thank you so much for posting such a detailed response! It was very helpful. :)
  2. bikegurl

    At a loss...enteritis, I think

    Thanks. We do have chickens. Usually my husband cares for them, but recently I have been doing a few things with the chickens. I did know there was a risk of illness from them...but sometimes I have to learn the hard way... :cry: I only fed them hay yesterday, so I'm hoping there will be no...
  3. bikegurl

    Why do my kits keep dying?

    I've successfully raised a number of litters this way...with no problems. These guys are 6 weeks old, and still with mom. They had access to fresh foods the moment they left the nestbox (~3 weeks), since that is what their mom eats. I'm pretty confident that the fresh greens alone aren't...
  4. bikegurl

    At a loss...enteritis, I think

    I started loosing kits last week. This morning the 5th one died, and I finally autopsied it; the liver was clear, but the intestines were full of dark mushy paste, and the colon had only a few tiny, hard pellets instead of the long row of smooth round droppings normally present. This kit wasn't...
  5. bikegurl

    Why do my kits keep dying?

    I am now having this same problem....should I start a new thread, or is this ok? I autopsied the one that died this morning(there has been one dead or nearly dead each morning for the last 4 days), and the liver was clear, but the intestines were full of dark mushy paste, and the colon had...
  6. bikegurl

    forage feeding during drought

    I didn't realize poplar is good for rabbits...we have a lot of large poplar trees! My husband planted a huge amount of sunflowers, but apparently deer like the young shoots a lot. :evil:
  7. bikegurl

    forage feeding during drought

    This drought is awful. Where we are it is supposedly the most severe drought since they started recording droughts in the 40s. :x Thankfully we have municipal water, and a lake nearby, so we don't have to worry about a well running dry. Every day we water the driest parts of the garden, but...
  8. bikegurl


    Ducklings are really some of the cutest babies! :) But....they are also among the messiest!!! They can take a clean dry pen and turn it into a mudhole in a few hours. :x Do you know what kind they are? We had some Pekins, Cayugas, Appleyards and a Muscovy. The Muscovy can only hiss...
  9. bikegurl

    Average Hay intake per rabbit

    Tractor supply does sell hay, but it, in my experience, is expensive and low quality. Look on craigslist...often farmers will list hay for sale for a couple dollars per bale for good hay. Each of my rabbits eats a different amount of hay, but even with my biggest eaters it would take a few...
  10. bikegurl

    Maggots? :( Help!

    They are quite possibly fly maggots. I get a lot of those when there is moisture in the poop (such as pee or spilled water) and it is warm. Do flies have access to your bunny's poop?
  11. bikegurl

    I'm torn on our schedule for next year...

    I'm exhausted for you, reading that schedule... :o My oldest is I haven't even started thinking about extracurricular activities yet...but I do know I love to be home and would not remain sane if I had to be running around daily. I grew up with a very home-bound lifestyle though, so...
  12. bikegurl

    RabbitTalk Handicrafts Thread. What do YOU make?

    I should try that. :) I considered doing a duck tape dress form, but after reading about how it tends to droop after some time, I decided it wasn't worth it. Now I have to pin my sister down for an afternoon of fitting and taping... :P
  13. bikegurl

    RabbitTalk Handicrafts Thread. What do YOU make?

    Thanks! I'm drafting it myself using measurements and following the instructions in Metric Pattern Cutting for Women's Wear by Winifred Aldrich. It takes me longer than it should, because I have limited time to work on it between raising children and animals and everything else I have to do...
  14. bikegurl

    Our New Barn Guest! (Warning: Spider)

    That is pretty cool! I don't like spiders when they are on me or when they build their webs across my path. Other than that, they are pretty amazing creatures! I enjoy watching them catch and wrap up their prey and build their nests. I am glad that I don't live where there are any poisonous...
  15. bikegurl

    Rabbits and ecolocation

    So interesting!! I have pretty sharp hearing. For example, I can hear the high-pitched sound a television makes when turned on...and those rodent repellers that humans aren't supposed to hear are very annoying to me. That saying, I have never heard a rabbit make noises like that. I guess...