I am a little puzzled

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Jan 1, 2012
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Near ottawa ontario
I am a little puzzled as I was grooming my rabbits today..I noticed that all of my GERMAN angora rabbits were like molting or loosing there fur.. So I started to blow them as I don't like combing unless I have to.. When I did that it started to mat into small balls.. So I had to stop and started combing and I was getting allot of fiber more than I should.. Now I know at this time of year, I am harvesting the French angoars.. but not the german.. Now they are only 5 months old.. Is this there baby coat coming out .. they are not letting go of there coat like the French does.. Not yet anyways.. Is there a such thing of a plucking fur german line not shaved type. Or is this normal for there first coat kinda of thing.. I am just little puzzled here.
Not sure about Germans, but I've had a satin angora doe who would shed completely bald. I would assume they are simply molting, and wouldn't worry about t too much. I did have one doe that didn't molt until she hit 5 months when the res of my lines molt religiously every three. Some rabbits are just different.
Maybe someone mistakenly identified Giant Angoras as German Angoras? I had a short email exchange with Louise Walsh a few weeks ago (she developed the Giant Angora breed to its acceptance by ARBA); she said (paraphrase), "If it molts, it's a Giant; if it doesn't, it's a German. So test the rabbit when someone tells you it's a Giant."

Maybe yours are mis-identified?

I looked at the IGABAR website to learn more about German Angoras, and learned that *each and every* rabbit must pass a test to be certified as a German Angora. :shock: Even if both parents are certified German Angoras, their kits must be tested and certified. Wow.

In the meantime, buy a pair of Playtex or other kitchen "rubber" gloves and pluck for your life! :lol:
if it is a giant.. I am ok with that to.. I am going to take a pic<br /><br />__________ Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:27 am __________<br /><br />I just heard back from the breeder and I asked him if the parents moult. He said yes.. So that means they are not german,, they are the giants. I think that confirms it :p
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":2e5zr52a said:
I just heard back from the breeder and I asked him if the parents moult. He said yes.. So that means they are not german,, they are the giants. I think that confirms it :p

Ooooh. Green with envy here....just green.
DogCatMom":1i27rvb7 said:
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":1i27rvb7 said:
I just heard back from the breeder and I asked him if the parents moult. He said yes.. So that means they are not german,, they are the giants. I think that confirms it :p

Ooooh. Green with envy here....just green.
ok.. what does that mean..<br /><br />__________ Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:57 pm __________<br /><br />
skysthelimit":1i27rvb7 said:
With Angoras, the bigger the better.
right on that is what I like to hear

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