Doe nose is clogged with white snot? is she sick?

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Active member
Mar 29, 2016
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This has never happened before, but it started getting worse. I open up the does hutch and she grunts almost like a pig and white snot or rarely clear snot comes out of her nose. She tries to wipe it away. This happens everyday. I want to breed her. Is it okay to breed her? Is she sick? What should I do????? :(
I wouldn't breed her as it will just add more stress to her system

She has a respiratory infection, you should quarantine her away from any other rabbits to avoid exposing them to an infectious dose of the pathogen and sorry to say this but I would euthanize her
Clear snot can just be allergies (remove hay, bedding, and any dust source for awhile) or a minor respiratory infection that will clear on it's own but due to the risk of severe infections like pastuerella any rabbit should be quarantined, not bred, and their future at all in your herd reconsidered. Some will cull for any respiratory symptoms because pasteurella can wipe out an entire rabbitry but there are many other causes in rabbits that they can overcome on their own. Everyone has their own level of response but overall agreement is to never medicate in order to save the rabbit, especially for future use. If you do you might create a carrier who will infect everyone else or if you breed afterward you will continue to create rabbits that have weak genetics toward illness and need medicated when they run into things as well.
Unfortunately I have to agree with the above posters :( That much white snot is not a good sign and she needs to be pulled from the rest of your rabbits ASAP. Wash hands, change clothes, etc. before handling any others. Be aware of what order you feed them in, how water is distributed... It is very contagious :( . I had it pop up in my rabbits when i first started and am thankful it didn't wipe all of them out (all it took was one from a breeder that was either naieve to how bad things were in his rabbitry or had poor ethics for selling sick animals). Knowing what I know now I would cull immediately, but it's not an easy decision.